Friday, June 8, 2012


Yesterday, we got caught in a heavy down pour while riding our bikes home from the swimming pool.  A neighbor I barely know stopped to see if we wanted a ride.  I was thankful for the offer even though it was kind of comical - imagine piling 2 bikes, a bike trailer, and 4 people into an already occupied mini-van. I was tempted to say yes just to see how that situation worked out, but thought better!

Shortly after that Erik stopped his bike in front of me.  We crashed.  No one was hurt at all but the chain came off my bike.  Before I could even ask for help two men out for a run stopped and helped me put it back on.  In addition to that another guy driving by had stopped to see if we needed help too.  Either I really looked like a hot mess yesterday or our neighborhood is filled with kind, helpful people.  I chose to believe the latter. :)

Another thing to be thankful for is Daron's ANC, also known as his neutrophil count.  Yesterday, it went from less than 0.01(undetectable) to 0.13 and today was 0.16.  He still has a long ways to go but this is big step as it indicates that my stem cells have begun to engraft.  For that, we are so thankful!

Grins from my red tinted - blond streaked - light brown haired Chinese boy!
I hope you have a good weekend! 

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

I laughed out loud at this!! I can just imagine you 4 in that situation and it makes me smile :) Also, love that Daron's blood work is coming back with good results! (And Carson's reddish hair!!)