Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Notable Moment: Lainey plus daily life with the trio

Lainey:  " Mommy, I really want a baby in my tummy!"

Me:  "You want a new baby doll??"

Lainey:  "No! I want a baby in MY tummy!"

Me: Stifling a laugh, "Someday honey when you are much older!"

Erik:  "Why does she have to be older mommy? When is God going to put a baby in Lainey's tummy?"

Me:  "Well, I don't know but she needs to be married first and much older."  


Lainey was totally serious.  She said the baby could sleep next to her and she would nurse it. 

Someday sweet girl (I hope)!  She LOVES babies!  I was quite shocked by her request though as I hardly know anyone who is pregnant right now.  (This makes me a little sad as it seems my friend group is moving out of the newborn stage, onto school age kids.) One of our neighbors did just bring home a newborn so I am guessing that is why she has babies on the brain.


The kids, especially Erik, have been quite defiant recently.  I do need to reread the Love and Logic book but for now Victor and I have devised a new check system.  Each time they are defiant throughout the day they get a check.  If they get 3 during a day they lose a toy for the next two days.  If they get zero they earn a smiley face on a chart.  After 5 smiley faces they earn a price.   So far this has been working okay although today the kids were quite obnoxious.  Both lost a toy, Erik lost two.  

A positive moment this afternoon!


akbwilliams said...


Austin & Terri said...

Kids shouldn't be allowed to be this cute! Seriously, they are adorable!