Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Notable Moments: Bed Bugs?

Poor Lainey seems to have inherited my sleep habits.  She sleeps through the night well and has for a long time but she is a very picky sleeper (doesn't like to be touched/hugged/share a bed, and needs her blanket/light/music just right), is easily disturbed from sleep (when I close her door and turn off her light before I go to bed she almost always opens her eyes, she won't transfer from carseat to bed), requires a lot of sleep or becomes quite emotional, and most recently has started having vivid dreams.

Poor little thing slept on the floor last night.  When we asked her why she said there were 2 lines of giant black bugs on her bed that were coming to eat her.  She of course was quite scared of them.   The brave little girl just got out of bed and slept on the floor (the bugs couldn't get down there!) instead of coming to get us!

She was so convinced that these bugs were real that she wanted to show them to me first thing this morning.  Of course, they were gone! :)

Another birthday treat for Lainey!

Erik sleeps just like Victor.  If he is tired he can fall sleep anywhere.  Nothing disturbs his sleep. I can pick him up and twirl him around and he still doesn't wake up (I tried it once!).  He wakes up very, very, very slowly and is grumpy until fully awake.  While I thought the day would never arrive, I actually have to force him out of bed some mornings!

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