Thursday, October 6, 2011

A day in the life, part 2

I am going to document one more day which may bore whoever reads this but should be fun to look back on in 5 years.


1230 AM  Still awake, can't sleep because my throat is so sore it hurts to swallow. I get up and go downstairs to swish around some lidocaine/maalox combo, take 800 mg on Ibuprofen, and get an ice pack for my throat.

1245 AM Head back upstairs in the dark only to be grabbed from behind.  Very startling but I quickly realize it is Erik.  Why he was downstairs I don't know but I take him to the bathroom, rub his back for a couple of minutes, and go back to bed.  I do fall asleep eventually.

300 AM or so.  Carson is up.  I had asked Victor to take him for the night because I wasn't feeling well.  He was willing but having trouble getting him to take a bottle.  I kindly and groggily tell him to please figure it out on his own because I am tired and sick.  He leaves the room.  I am not sure what happened after that!

700 AM Victor wakes me up as he is leaving.  I nurse Carson and go downstairs.  I pump, eat breakfast, get Erik and Carson dressed, encourage Lainey to eat breakfast (Victor had fed Erik), take a shower and get ready for the day.

845AM Leave to drop Erik off for school

9:10 Realize I didn't bring a diet coke with me ( I drink one a day).  I was super tired to begin with so I stop at the McDonald's drive through for a coke. The line is long and Lainey is crying/yelling from the backseat, "GO, GO, GO!"

915 Decide I don't really need a diet coke.  Get out of line.

930 We go to Lainey's gymnastics class.  She is still quite grumpy and not following directions very well.  She does have fun.  Carson plays on the gymnastics mat practicing crawling and "playing" with his friend Charlotte.  He can do a full crawl for 3-4 lengths now.  So cute!!

1030 Head to the library.  I stop at McDonalds again deciding I really do need my diet coke.  Lainey is still crying from the back seat. I decide to get her ice cream.  Then I realize I didn't eat breakfast (throat was too sore) so I order an egg mcmuffin.

10:40  Realize they gave me a big mac and fries instead.  Really??  Get back in line for a 3rd time this morning.  They refund all of my money even though we kept the ice cream and diet coke.  I decide I really don't want to eat anything from McD's anyway.

10:50 Go to the library to pick up Hunger Games I had reserved.  Play for 25 minutes. The library here is awesome!

1115  Encourage Lainey to head to the car.  She had picked out a backpack full of books on recycling and wanted to drag it rather than wear it on her back.  I told her she needed to wear it or I would carry it.  Neither option seems suitable so she flops herself on the floor yelling.  I carry her, Carson, and the books out to the car.

1132  Arrive at Erik's school.  Lainey is still screaming and crying.  Carson is sleeping, finally.  Leave Carson in the car while Lainey and I run and get Erik. (I can see the van the entire time!)

1137 Get Lainey and Erik buckled back into their car seats.  Lainey is still yelling.  Carson is still sleeping.

1200 Quick Lunch, pb&j and apples, Lainey stops yelling long enough to eat.  Carson is sleeping in his carseat still.

1245 Take Erik and Lainey upstairs for naps.  Read Lainey books and tuck her in.  Go get Carson who is now yelling.

115 Read books to Erik, he is tired today and naps.

130 Feed Carson while trying to watch Glee on the computer (same episode as yesterday!).  Carson eats but is quite grumpy.

145 Take Carson up to bed, he is ticked but I KNOW he is tired. Let him cry until 200.

200 Go upstairs and rock and nurse Carson a little bit more.

210 Lainey wakes up crying and yelling.  I lock Carson's door so she can't come in, in hopes that he won't be startled by her.  She sits outside the door and cries.  I turn Carson's noise machine up loud and rock him in his closet.  He has been startled awake anyway.

215 I give up and put a screaming Carson back in his bed and take Lainey downstairs.

220 Carson thankfully goes to sleep on his own.  Lainey and I play and read books.

240 I clean up the kitchen while Lainey plays with blocks.

300 Erik gets up from his naps and knocks over Lainey's tower of blocks.  A fight breaks out!  I summon Erik into the kitchen.

315 Quick snack and we head outside to play and ride bikes.  Lainey throws one fit because she didn't want to pedal her trike on her own.  (Lainey doesn't feel good either which is likely contributing to her mood today.)

400 Carson wakes up so we head to the playground

500 Back home.  I make an Asian chicken salad for dinner.

545 Victor is home - quick exchanges about the day. I let him know my cold is getting the best of me.  Long day.

600 I head to the fairgrounds for a big kids consignment sale.  There are lots of good deals and I am able to outfit all 3 kids closets for winter plus I found quite a few good Christmas presents.

830 Unload the van.  Say goodnight to Erik - the other two are sleeping.

900 Take a quick bath.

930 Show Victor all the consignment goods, sort and fold all the clothes, hide the Christmas presents in the basement.

1015 Update blog

1045 Head to bed and hope for the best!

(This day is unusual as I don't feel very good and I didn't walk or go to the gym.  I almost always do one or the other, sometimes both.)

I did take one photo but I am too tired to upload it.  It's of Lainey crying, a common theme today! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you read the hunger games yet? can you put it down? :) liz