5:00 AM Fed Carson and put him back to bed listened to him until about 5:30 AM
5:30 AM Victor left for work, I went back to bed. Victor leaves really early 2x a week so he can run and read before work. The other days he leaves around 6:45.
7:30 I woke up hearing Lainey talking to Carson over the monitor, both Erik and Lainey are awake. The kids usually come wake us up, for some reason they didn't come get me immediately this morning. Must have known I need to sleep in. Most days I am up by 6:30.
8:00 Get everyone dressed, feed everyone breakfast
8:30 AM Clean up kitchen while kids play.
(8:40 Leave the house...On Wednesdays Lainey usually goes to preschool from 8:50-12:00 and I go to a bible study while the boys play in the church daycare. Lainey had a fever last night though so we stayed home instead.)
Lainey was ready to go outside before I had the kitchen cleaned up. |
I caught her trying to reach the garage door opener. |
9:30 Carson takes a nap. Erik, Lainey and I go outside to play and ride trikes.
10:30 Carson wakes up. Erik rides his balance bike while I push Erik and Lainey in the stroller for a 2 mile walk on a beautiful morning.
11:30 Lunch - leftover homemade pizza and pears
12:00 Get the kids in the car and head to Erik's gymnastics class
12:30 Gymnastics. Lainey, Carson and I just hang out in the parent waiting area and watch.
1:30 Head home. Lainey falls asleep before we are out of the parking lot.
1:45 Transfer Lainey to bed.
2:00 Try to put Carson to bed. He is ticked. Get him back up and go read stories to Erik.
2:30 Lay down on the couch for a few minutes to watch Glee while Carson plays in the bouncer. Erik isn't tired and keeps running up and down the stairs to tell me things. Tell him to stay in his room for 30 minutes "or else!"
3:00 Erik gets released from quiet time. Lainey wakes up from her nap.
3:15 Snack time for kids.
3:30 Take Carson up to bed.
3:45 Get kids ready to play outside dressed up in there Halloween costumes, tinkerbell and Peter Pan.
4:00 Head outside. Ride bikes, play with chalk, pretend sticks are guns. The neighbors come home from school much to Erik and Lainey's excitement. James has a rock polisher and is only using half of the machine. Erik gets to put a bunch of rocks from his rock pile (he has a stick pile too!) into the polisher. This is a 4 weeks process but we should have some shiny rocks in November.
4:45 Run inside to get Carson who is awake from his nap.
5:15 Head inside, make a quick dinner, feed kids.
5:45 Victor comes home, exchange quick notes about our days.
6:00 I head to the gym for body pump class. While I was gone Victor took the kids outside to play for a little bit and gave them baths.
8:00 Feed Carson and put him to bed while Victor tries to get the other two down. Erik falls asleep quickly, Lainey for some reason dinks around for an hour.
9:00 Update blog, clean up damage from the day, talk to Victor about the day, take a shower, and get ready for another day.
10:30ish Go to bed.
I Like this...I think I recorded our day once last year but this was a good reminder for me to do at least once a year to see how that "day in the life" changes from year to year!
Wow! Busy day with three little ones :)
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