Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Notable Moments

It's fun having kids so close in age because their sense of humor/way of thinking is really similar.  The following scenario is similar to everyday occurrences in our house...

Erik: (Picking at his shorts like one would if he had a wedgie)

Me:  "Erik, is your underwear bothering you?"

Erik:  No mom.  I am not wearing underwear today.  I just have an itch. 

Me: Okay.  Did you forget your underwear?

Erik: Yep.

Lainey:  (Frantically pulls down her pants!)  Mom, look at my underwear!  I am wearing underwear today.  Isn't it pretty? My underwear not itchy.  Erik, you are supposed to wear underwear when you are awake! (Pulls her pants back up and off they go.)

Anyone else have similar conversations in their houses?

1 comment:

Karen and John said...

YEP...Sean sometimes "forgets" his underwear, but more often than not, he insists on wearing them BACKWARDS. Drives John nuts...I just ignore it. I warned Sean the first time I saw him do that that he was going to get a "wedgie." His response..."I WANT A WEDGIE!" Oh dear...Whenever this stuff comes up, Liam just starts undressing...Oh fun...:) I think it's funny that Lainey is already into "pretty underwear." Wait till she is a teenager! Ha!