Thursday, August 4, 2011

Carson's Stats (Again)

I took Erik in for a preschool physical this morning.  While we were there I had them measure/weigh Carson again as it seems he just keeps growing.  I was right. In two weeks he has grown one inch and one pound.

Just shy of 5 months...

17lbs 10 ounces (77%)
26.5 inches (82%)

It will be interesting to see his stats at 6 months!  He is starting to get mobile (rolls and rolls plus pushes up on his arms and turns himself in a circle) so we will see if that effects his weight gain??

I love, love, love my sweet happy (BIG) baby!

1 comment:

Kristal said...

BIG BOY! He's on course to catch Luke soon. He was 18 lbs. 3 oz. at 12 months!