Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sweet Sleepy Sons

 Erik still takes a two hour nap most days.
Today he wondered downstairs about 45-60 minutes after I put him down for his nap.
I was sitting on the couch nursing Carson.
Erik didn't say anything.  He just crawled up next to me and fell back asleep.

Erik is not faking - he is fast asleep!
 Carson fell asleep after he ate so I set him down next to Erik.
They slept like that for quite a while, although eventually I moved Carson into his swing 
so I could go outside and mow before Erik and Lainey woke up.
I do love my sweet little boys!
(And girl of course!)

1 comment:

Ben and Robyn said...

SO YOU COULD GO OUTSIDE AND MOW???!!!! Who ARE you???? Superwoman???? :)