Carson continues to be the easiest, most wonderful baby. He is a such a joy to be around. He is happy all the time. I am pretty sure this is going to continue since he has been pretty sick for the past week and still isn't crabby at all. I have really, really enjoyed having a new baby.
2 months |
One week |
What's he up to??
1) Eating:
He is a good nurser. I have always nursed on demand and with 3 kids I don't track it very closely. He usually eats every 3 hours or so. If he takes a bottle he usually drinks 3 ounces. He does like to nurse for 30 seconds, take a break, then nurse again. I am not sure if it is because he is overwhelmed by my large supply or if that is just his style.
2) Sleep:
He is turning out to be a great sleeper. This is somewhat surprising because his first 2 weeks of life he was up a lot. He usually nurses for the last time about 9 PM. It is not uncommon for him to sleep until 3 AM eat and go back to bed until 8 AM or so. Since he has been sick he hasn't been quite as reliable but still is getting up 2x at the most.
3) Personality:
He is so laid back and lovely. He has started giving us smiles and tracking with his eyes. He still spends a lot of him life sleeping but has started to have a pretty consistent awake time in the morning for 1-2 hours and then again in the evening for 3-4 hours. He does like to be held and talked to so when he is awake I almost always am holding him or carrying him in the Ergo.
4) How's the family adjusted?
Erik and Lainey both love Carson. Erik gets excited to see him and often exclaims, " Mommy, isn't my baby brother Carson SO cute!" Lainey like to hold him. She also likes to try to help. She seems to think he should have the "plug" all the time and tries to cram it in him mouth whether awake or asleep. I don't ever leave Carson unattended with her. She wants to help but is 23 months old doesn't quite know how to help. :)
Victor of course loves his sweet baby boy. I think he has found this transition a little challenging. He often does the bath and part of bedtime routine while I am at the gym. When I get home it is not uncommon for him to be a little overwhelmed and grumpy. I do LOVE that he lets me get out of the house to workout and feel bad leaving him alone during a busy part of the day. Once Carson is a little bigger I will try to work up the courage to leave him (and the other two ) in the gym daycare during the morning so Victor doesn't have so much work in the evenings.
5) How's the mom?
This post-partum period has been the best for me. I am so in love with my new baby boy. I don't have the same anxiety as a first time mom and don't feel guilty about having another baby like I did when I had Lainey. Carson has also helped the transition by being so laid back. I have enjoyed every bit of having a third child.
Looking back, I really wonder if I had some mild postpartum depression or baby blues with Lainey. I wasn't crying or anything but for 6-9 months I really did feel pretty overwhelmed. I didn't enjoy the first year of her life as much as I would have liked too and feel bad about that. I think I thought it was normal to feel the way I was since I had more than one kid to take care of and that is more challenging than taking care of one kid. However, I now have 3 kids to take care of and don't feel that way at all so I don't think it was completely normal.
I have been back in a normal exercise routine since about 4 weeks post-partum. I walked within a day or two of giving birth but didn't add my full gym routine back completely until he was 4 weeks old. I have about 2 pounds left to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight (4 to get back to what I was pre-Lainey). It has come off the slowest this time but I have been lifting weights 3x a week and think that my body is in better shape now than it was when I was 9 weeks postpartum with Lainey. I still need to lose the rest though (and WILL) because only about half of my shorts fit well.
5) Carson's 2 month Stats:
Weight: 12 pounds 12 ounces (71%) - as of 5/12/11
Length: 24.5 inches (91%) - done at home
He is such a long baby and really needs to be in 3-6 month clothes already!
1 comment:
oh my goodness. he is sooooooo cute!
your kids' personalities sound very much like my brothers' and my personalities, in age order! my mom also said that going from 1-2 kids was much harder than going from 2-3.
:) liz
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