Here is an example of how the day went.....
Scene: Changing diaper before nap
Me: (action) pull off jeans
Erik: NO MOMMY! My jeans!!
Me: (action) Ignore. Take off wet diaper.
Erik: My diaper! Diaper on!
Me: (action) Ignore. Clench teeth. Wipe bottom.
Erik: No mommy my penis!
Me: Chuckle under my breath. Put on new diaper.
Erik: No Mommy diaper off! Diaper Off!
(action) Writhe around frantically trying to get away from me.
Me: (action) Wrestle the diaper and pants onto my 27 pound son. Phew. Task is over.
Sound like fun?
This sweet baby was happy and content all day which helped my demeanor. Have you ever seen a cuter little baby girl? I don't think I have.

Erik managed to end the day on a better note after spending sometime with his friends at the park. However, it took him about 30 minutes to get off the park bench. When we got to the park he refused to get out of the car saying, " No mommy. All done James! All done Sean! More car!" Not sure why he didn't want to play but I needed to see my friends so off we went. He did enjoy himself and then was a much happier (more cooperative) little boy the rest of the day.
Aren't these two sweet? Lainey loves her brother a lot! Erik enjoys her too and is generally sweet and gentle with her. (Although he did stick the hand sanitizer container in her mouth this afternoon. I caught him just in time. Thankfully he announced, "Clean Lainey" prior to squirting it in her mouth.) I was only two feet away from him when he did this -- just distracted while making dinner.
1 comment:
I am there! The whining had me ready to scream. Yesterday we started a system with a "Nice Voice" jar and a "Whiney Voice" jar. We put beads in each one as needed throughout the day. It's been very helpful... so far.
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