Wednesday, September 9, 2009

2 year check up

Erik had his 2 year check up yesterday. He did very well -- no developmental concerns. He is right on track -- the doctor said, "He is smart!" I am biased, but I am happy to agree with her assessment. He had to get the HIB, Hepatitis A, and Influenza shot. He also had to have his finger stuck to check his lead and hemoglobin levels. Poor baby! He is very brave but by the third immunization he was crying (not squirming or fighting the shots) really hard and saying, "No mommy, all done with shots! Please!" I hate seeing him so sad. I am so grateful to have healthy children though. I don't know how parents with sick kids can handle seeing their kids hurt and ill.

His hemoglobin level came back a little low at 11.8. The low end of normal is 12. This is not a big deal but I will start him on a multivitamin with iron as the doctor recommended. I think his hemoglobin was 11.3 last year -- but no one recommended iron so he hasn't been on anything. Erik loves to eat. He is very good at eating fruits and vegetables but doesn't like meat much so his dietary iron intake is a little low.

Weight: 27 pounds 6 ounces (45%)
Height: 34.5 inches (55%)

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