Happy 1/4 Birthday Baby Girl!!

When people see you they often say, "Oh what a cute, tiny baby!"
But, you are not tiny anymore.

Above: Erik and Elaina 6/22/09
Below: Erik and Elaina 9/15/09

Look at how you have grown!! You are a good eater. You nurse usually 6 - 7 times in 24 hours. You are a happy, content baby now that you are on
Zantac. You love your brother and he adores you. If you are taking a nap in your crib he asks me to, "Go get Lainey, Mommy!" every five minutes or so. He wants to "play" with you.

You are a great sleeper. You are consistently sleeping from 10 pm to 5:30 am now. That is great! You even slept from 10 pm to 8 am one day. I hope you repeat that soon. :)
You are now cooing and smiling a lot. You are able to hold your head up for a long time now. You have just started batting at toys.
This month has been busy. We flew to Kansas to spend a couple of days with my grandma Baker, aunts, uncles, and cousins. My mom and Uncle Colin were there too. You were great on the airplane.
The whole Chen family was here for a week this month too. Hanna Lee (Sonja's sister) got married over Labor Day weekend so everyone was in town for that. You went to your first wedding.
You are a sweet, flexible, happy baby. We love you very much and are so glad that you are part of our family!