My sweet, little baby seems to have become a toddler this month.
He is so.....
-full of smiles
-trouble (my rascal!)
"Look Mom! I found the paper towels!"
Notice the large messy trail behind him!
I am pretty sure he is busier than the other 2 combined.
A few stories from the past month...
- We were in Target last week, waiting in line at the Pharmacy. Carson kicked Erik in the head which I assumed was an accident (I was holding Carson). The pharmacist noticed and said to Carson, "Did you just kick your brother in the head!" He flashed her a huge grin and kicked Erik in the head again and then laughed!! Erik egged him on of course by laughing about it too! Little stinker!
- Carson LOVES to be outside! He just runs and runs and runs, picking up rocks and sticks along the way, tasting each of them. He knows he is not supposed to go out in the road. He, being my rascal, almost always runs out there anyway. The little stinker always makes sure I see him first. Once he catches my eye he takes off running for the street as fast as he can. Ha!! I have told him no 100 times and he doesn't care so now I have started putting him back in the house if he runs into the street. He hates that and stands at the door screaming. After 2-3 minutes I let him back outside. So far that technique seems to be working.
- Carson loves his brother and sister. He also loves to tease them, especially Lainey. He likes to sit on Lainey's bench at the island. If we eat outside on the deck he always tries to grab food off of Lainey's plate. Of course Lainey gives him a huge reaction so it is fun to tease her!
-Carson hugs everything - strangers, animals, pictures in his books, and all of us of course. I love his big, bold, affectionate personality.
-Started using a fork/spoon correctly (some of the time)
-Still only says a few words (mama, Erik, "dog", dada, there, hi) but his language comprehension has exploded! It's really amazing. I am fairly confident he understands about 90% of what I am saying. (The response to the Target pharmacist confirmed this.)
-Sleeps through the night (7:30 to 6:30) and takes one 3 hour nap most days (he is just transitioning from 2 naps to 1 nap)
-Runs everywhere
-Constantly making messes (dumping his plate of food on the floor, emptying cupboards, unrolling paper towels and toilet paper, emptying box after box in the toy room)
-Still nursing 2-3x a day. I think I am going to wean him completely in the next 6 weeks or so, we'll see. Takes 3 bottles (going to wean him from those at the same time) of rice milk a day too (10-12 ounces a day)
- Fairly good eater -- he loves meat and beans the most I think; refuses to eat/drink all dairy products
-Carson had about 2 1/2 weeks of diarrhea this month that started shortly after trying to switch from rice milk to cow's milk. We will stay off of Cow's milk for a while
Such a big kid! |
I really just love this little boy. He is so sweet, affectionate, and full of joy! It has become quite obvious that he has a twinkle in his eye though (both of them really) so I am quite certain he is going to be somewhat exhausting. Ha!