Saturday, December 3, 2011

November Budget

Total Saved: $13 (I think I am off by about $10 but I can't figure out what I am forgetting!)

Total Food Bill: $691  - not too bad considering our food revolution process

Total Medical: $205
Total Gas: $270

I have about 2/3rd of Christmas shopping done already.  December is going to be tricky as we have repairs in both the WI and MD house that need done, I got my hair highlighted, I need to re-order contacts, finish Christmas shopping, and we will have to pay for both Tae kwon do and gymnastics for the kids.  We will see how it goes! 

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

This is helpful to me. We're working on a projected budget for when Sadie gets here. Obviously it will be different with a newborn vs. 1 baby, 1 toddler, and a small child...but still it helps me out to know where the money will go (healthcare and food it seems!).