Sunday, December 4, 2011

Food Challenge Week 4

Well, we completed week 3 which was eliminating fast food and fried food from our diets.  We do eat out about 3-4 times a month but didn't miss it this week.  I decided Qdoba doesn't count as fast food (and it's not fried) so we will likely go there if we eat out a couple times a month.   The only time we go to a sit down restaurant is when the kids stay home (at most 1x a month).

This week I have stopped missing my diet coke!  Yay!! I do feel healthier without it.  Hopefully, that is the case.  I haven't drank tea everyday ether so I have actually been caffeine free part of the time.

This week we will be focused on MEAT! 

We are supposed to eat meat raised within 100 miles of our house.  This is a bit challenging but I was able to buy some local grass fed beef from the farmer herself.  At this point only are beef will be local.  We don't eat a ton of meat but I can't figure out where to get locally raised chickens at this point.

We do get our eggs from a farmer (maybe I will ask her about her chickens!). 

We are enjoying this food challenge so far!  The kids have increased their fruit and veggie consumption with no complaints.  Erik has stopped asking me to send him to school with a juicebox.  Yay! 

If anyone else is following along, how are you doing?


Austin & Terri said...

I am very impressed by your food adventures! We are pretty lucky to live in the Midwest where getting local meat is fairly easy...but I must admit I don't do this unless it's the cheaper route. We are planning on buying 1/4 or 1/2 cow from some friends who have a farm in small town Missouri. We'll see how that goes...and it should be healthier and cheaper too!

Karen and John said...

Ann...i have been following and was excited that you had decided to put the meat off by a week. (the no fast food was a cinch for us since we avoid it anyway.) I have a couple of leads on local meat, but have not gotten there yet, so I am behind this week. It has been a pretty crazy week, as you know...I will let you know if I am able to get the chicken too...We eat very, very little red meat, so this is a bit of a challenge.

The Kruepkes said...

If you like Qdoba-type food, consider Chipotles if you have one near you. They are committed to improving our food system and are making an effort to be a better/healthier/more sustainable faster food option.

I just saw this article:

I do find large amounts of irony that the politician who introduced the bill to reduce certain antibiotics in agricultural animals (it's a start) is named "Slaughter". But I appreciate Chipotle's CEO's efforts in supporting this change.