Friday, November 4, 2011

Food Challenge Schedule

I am not sure if anyone is planning on joining us for this journey or not.  A few have expressed interest in at least part of it so I am going to post the schedule I plan on following during the next few months.  Join us for as much or little as you would like!

11/6/11  Week One (Two fruits and/or vegetables per meal)
11/13/11 Week Two ("Real" beverages only)
11/20/11 Take the Week Off for Thanksgiving! 
11/27/11 Week Three (Meat)
12/4/11 Week Four (No fast food or deep fried foods)
12/11/11 Week Five (Try Two New Whole Foods)
12/18/11 Week Six (No lite, low-fat, or non-fat foods)
12/25/11 Take the Week Off For Christmas!
1/1/12 Week Seven (100% Whole Grain)
1/8/12 Week Eight (Stop Eating When You are Full)

*I plan to have weeks one through eight be cumulative, meaning I will have them add upon each other each week. *
1/15/12 Week Nine (No refined Sugars) 
1/22/12 Week Ten (No refined oils)
1/29/12 Week Eleven (Eat Local Foods)
2/5/12 Week Twelve (NO sweeteners!!)
2/12/12 Week Thirteen (Nothing Artificial)
2/19/12 Week Fourteen (No More than Five Ingredients)  

For weeks 9-14 I do not plan on eliminating sugars completely beyond the weeks it is designated.  I am planning to cut out all artificial sweeteners from week 9 on.  With the exception of weeks 9 and 12 I do plan on baking at home as I think cutting out sugar completely forever is unnecessary, difficult, and a bit ridiculous.

Weeks 10, 11, and 13 are things I will try to incorporate cumulatively.   I am excited about this journey and hope a few more people will join us!  

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