Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Notable Quotes


I took her grocery shopping while Erik was at school yesterday. She is challenging to take shopping because she hates sitting in the cart and can't walk fast enough to keep up with me.  If I do let her get out of the cart she tries pulling things off the cart and wanders away. 

Anyway, yesterday I thought that we would be good because I let her use Erik's Vtech computer.  She was happy with that until she saw me put a box of crackers in the cart.  It was snack time and I knew she might be hungry.  She most definitely was as she shouted at me....

"Mama.  I want crackers NOW!"  

She hears me tell Erik (and sometimes her) to do things NOW.  I think I usually add a please into the statement but she must not have noticed that. 

She likes to be in charge in general which I find quite amusing.  Here are a couple other bossy things she has said just this morning....

" Erik stop kick wall!"  

(He was kicking his feet on the island at breakfast.)

"Erik NO hammer!" 

   (He was hammering the wall and knows he isn't supposed to do that.  He was doing it on purpose to see if Lainey would tell him to stop and when she did it sent him in to a fit of giggles.)

Other "funny" things she has been doing recently....

- She insists on having her pants pulled up to her nipple line or as high as they will go.  She thankfully forgets about this desire once we start the day but first thing in the morning she always looks like she is expecting a flood. 

-She threw a tantrum in the grocery store check out yesterday.  I am still not sure what made her mad but she threw herself on the ground (lying on her back) and using her feet turned herself around in circles crying quietly to herself. I just ignored her as no one else was around us and within a couple minutes she got back up and went on with life.

2)  Erik: 

Yesterday as Erik was getting ready for school he excitedly told me....

"Mom, did you know that today is spring and tomorrow is going to be Christmas AND trick or treating!"

It would have been a fun day I am sure!

1 comment:

Hanna said...

Haha. I love Erik's enthusiasm!! And it sounds like you really have your hands full with Ms. Elaina!