Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Budget

Not real pretty but about the best we could possibly do I think....

Goal:  Save $500 every month from Victor's main salary


Food: $37 over
Fixed:  $48 under
Entertainment: $4 under
Household Costs/Extra expenses: $ 580 over!!  YIKES!!

What was so expensive?

1) Healthcare!

We spent $550 on medical bills, prescriptions, doctor visits, etc. this month.  $300 was from Lainey's ENT procedure but the rest was secondary to kid sick visits and allergy medicines from Erik, Elaina, and Victor.    We have fairly good insurance too!  Yikes!

2) We had multiple other "one time" purchases that all ranged in price from $100-$150 including...

gymnastics registration for Erik and Elaina, purchased my blog book, outfitted the kids closets for spring/summer, gift for my aunt who came to help, and building a garden bed

We usually have 2-3 extra "purchases" that fall in this catergory on a monthly basis.  This month there were 5.

How much did we save?


What expenses/savings do we anticipate next month?

1- We have to buy a lawn mower!
2- Healthcare costs -- allergy expenses will be high through June or so; we have to pay for Victor's new CPAP machine
3- Yearly car maintenance on the RAV (may wait until May)
4- My birthday :)

We will be able to save our tax returns, the 3rd paycheck you get in April, and 2 months of Navy pay in April.  This will be divided amongst the kids college funds, an IRA, and the mini-van fund.

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