Thursday, March 10, 2011

Revenge of the Ears

Well, Lainey has her tubes in place (thankfully as she has another cold which always led to an ear infection) but we are still not free of ear infections. 

Erik told me last Friday that he had "germs in his ear."  I checked his ears and his left ear seemed to be have a very mild infection but I doubted the doctor would treat it. So I gave him ibuprofen and he didn't complain about it again.  I checked it again Monday and it looked the same (mild infection). 

Since Monday he has had a runny nose and cough and then yesterday "spiked" a fever of 100.5.  So I checked his ears again and sure enough his left ear was definitely infected now.

So this morning we spent 3 hours between the doctor's office and target pharmacy.  He was given Omnicef because he just finished amoxicillin a week ago (for a sinus infection).  I am hoping and praying it doesn't upset his stomach like it did for Lainey. 

I am still pregnant.  Physically I am doing fine - off and on contractions but nothing too exciting.  Mentally I am a little stir crazy.  I would love to be holding my baby instead of waiting.  Sonja and Jamison are arriving this afternoon so as soon as they get here we are covered with childcare until the 22nd (with the exception of a 4 hour period of time on Tuesday!).  

I have done all the nesting I can think to do and have moved on to baking.  Ha!  I have my 38 week appointment tomorrow morning.  I'll let you know what, if any, progress was made this week.

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