Birth Story:
My contractions started around 10 pm Thursday evening. I had walked 4 miles on the treadmill that evening hoping to kick start labor and it seemed to work! They were pretty mild contractions coming every 7-8 minutes but strong enough that I couldn't sleep through them. Around 2 AM Victor got up because Erik was crying and I told him that he should probably take a shower because the contractions hadn't stopped. I knew we were pretty early along in the labor process but living 60 miles from the hospital we couldn't risk getting stuck in DC traffic with a quicker than expected labor.
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Dr. Kacedan |
We left for the hospital around 2:40 AM arriving at 4:00 AM. My contractions were every 4-5 minutes apart not severe but consistent. I was about 2 cm dilated we when arrived.
By 10 AM I was 4 cm and went ahead and got the epidural. I am a big fan of epidurals (HA!) and so far mine have gone well. By noon I was 5 cm and Dr. Kacedan broke my water. Things continued to putz along slowly. At 4pm I was only 6 cm so they added a small amount of pitocin.
This sped things up which was good and by 6 pm I was complete. I pushed for 5 minutes or less and Carson arrived at 6:17 pm. He was (and is) perfect. I didn't tear at all which is great.
The hardest part of the labor was fatigue. I had been awake, with the exception of a 1-2 hour nap after getting the epidural, for 36 hours by the time he was born. I also had an episode of feeling very lightheaded and nauseated which was secondary to a drop in blood pressure (90/50) after getting a bolus of epidural medication. This was fixed with a small dose of epinephrine (I think - I was way out of it when she gave me this).
Our first night went well. He was sleepy and went for 5 hours without waking up. I was up during the stretch with cramps but I still appreciate the 5 hour stretch.
He is nursing well. He latched on within 20 minutes of being born and has nursed 4 times during his first 12 hours of life. Recovery is going fine for me. I am having a LOT of cramping and actually took a Percocet for it. My doctor warned me that uterine cramping always seems worse for you 3rd+ kid. Still fairly heavy but normal bleeding. I have been STARVING which hopefully will subside soon.
Erik and Lainey haven't met him yet and probably won't until I get home (too long of drive). They are at home with Aunt Sonja (thank you!) who arrived at our house for "babywatch" 6 hours before labor started!
7lbs 11 ounces (the biggest of our three as I predicted)
21 inches long
13.75 cm head
Apgars 8/9
He has dark brown hair that is really long in the back.
He has big dimples like Erik - cute!
Detached ear lobes
Small mouth - not toungue tied (Lainey is)
Round cheeks
Blue eyes
BIG hands and feet!
Overall, he looks most like Lainey did as a newborn. It will be fun to see what he looks like in a year. Newborns always seem tiny when being compared to older kids but I remember holding tiny little Lainey as a newborn and compared to her Carson seems huge! 1.25 pounds makes a difference!
We are in love and so grateful for our healthy baby boy!
How in the world are you blogging, like, 15 hours after giving birth!?
Awesome about no tearing. That should help recovery!
You SHOULD be starving. Your body needs the energy. EAT UP!!!!!
What a handsome boy!!
Congrats to you!! Welcome to the 3 kid club--enjoy it!! :)
Ps-he's ADORABLE!!
Congratulations!!!!! I wish we could come meet him! Glad to hear all went smoothly and I look forward to hearing how you all settle in! Sorry I had not mailed the Moby yet- will go out on Monday. The delay is as a result of me not having located the instructions yet, but I imagine they are online so will send without the instructions for now- and I am so sorry for the delay. Congrats to the family of five!!!!
Congratulations!!! He's beautiful :)
I am so sorry that I haven't congratulated you yet on Carson's arrival! He is so beautiful and it looks like you are adjusting well to being a mother of three. I can't believe that you were so far from the hospital. That would have made me a nervous wreck. So glad that everything went relatively well. I am sure that it is all worth it.
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