Friday, March 25, 2011

Carson - Two Weeks Old

Beautiful Boys!

Week two has gone well.  Here are some highlights....

1- Lots of family time...

Victor was home this week still which was nice.  Real life will be resumed on Monday.  Wish me luck! 

My parents and brother Colin were here for a few days.  Mom helped us out with meals and Dad built a raised garden bed with Victor and the kids.  Colin taught Erik about rocks.  What a cool uncle! :)

2) Poor sleep/Reflux....

I am quite sleep deprived at this point.  Carson is a sweet, wonderful baby but he is not a great sleeper.  He isn't awake much yet but seems as though he is quite uncomfortable after eating at times.  He will sleep in the swing okay but refuses to sleep laying flat (in the bassinet).  A lot of nights I have been up for 3-4 hours with a sleepy but uncomfortable/restless baby.  He doesn't cry unless you put him down.  He has been spitting up some and I here reflux going up and down his throat all day long. 

I am taking him in tomorrow and am hopeful the "terrible" sleeping is related to reflux as that is treatable.  We'll see.

He is nursing and growing well.  He is a pretty hungry baby.  He has found his hands/fingers quite often which is adorable. 

You are loved little boy Carson!


Anonymous said...

LOVE the picture of colin holding carson, that is just too cute! tell him not to show that to the girls unless he wants them chasing him down the street. ;)

how fun that your dad built you a raised bed again. love gardening with little ones! hint: plant beets, the sprouts are electric purple!

:) liz

Austin & Terri said...

Aww what a cutie Carson is! Colin looks so sweet holding him :)