Saturday, March 5, 2011

Baby #3 - 37 weeks

I hope these are the last belly shots you will see!

What's happening?

I am tired!  Victor was out of town last weekend for reserve duty so I have been lagging behind in sleep and energy for the past week.  I have taken 2 naps this week and fell asleep one night before I went to the bathroom or pulled up the covers.  If you know about my picky sleeping habits you would find this quite amusing!

Contractions have started.  Since Tuesday (March 1st) I have had contractions off and on all day.  Some are quite uncomfortable but nothing truly painful yet.  I think I have started losing my "plug" as well.  (Sorry to the men reading this update!) On Thursday I was just 50% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated.  Baby is head down and low.  I was about the same with Lainey prior to going into labor.

I am excited that the end is so close! I can't wait to see what this little boy looks like, to snuggle and nurse a sweet tiny baby again, and show off my cute little guy to all the world.

How's baby?  

Getting BIG!  For the first time in 3 pregnancies my fundal height measured as it was supposed to (37 cm at 37 weeks).  I have always lagged behind by 2-3 weeks in the past.  I felt like he had a big growth spurt and had gained 3 pounds in 2 weeks so I am happy that my exam seems to agree with the idea that he is growing - not just me.  I am up 22 pounds total now.

When will he arrive?

Wouldn't that be nice to know?!

My doctor predicted he will arrive Monday March 7th.  Both Erik and Lainey were born on a Monday at 6:30 pm so if this happens again it will be quite funny.

My prediction is Friday March 11th weighing in at 7 pounds 13 ounces. 

Victor predicts Thursday March 10th weighing in at 7 pounds even.

Assuming my body seems ready to go I will likely be induced on or by March 21st.  Why?  Primarily for convenience due to the fact we will lose our childcare providers on the 22nd/23rd.  I know this wouldn't be everyone's choice but I will be ready to meet this baby and by then I will be one week overdue according to my original due date (March 14-15th).

When were Erik and Lainey born in comparison?? 

12 days early according to ultrasound date; right on time according to LMP
Equal to March 14th
7 pounds 6 ounces

18 days early according to ultrasound date; 10 days early according to LMP
Equal to March 8th
6 pounds 7 ounces

Baby #3:
Original due date was March 14/15th
7 week ultrasound due date was March 26th
20 week ultrasound due date was March 22nd

What do you think??

Leave a comment below or vote in the poll or BOTH!  Winner will earn bragging points.  I'd send you something but with 3 kids 3 and under you most likely wouldn't get it until Christmas. :)


Julie said...

How about tomorrow at 11:59pm? It's Jill's birthday and grandparents anniversary. Then you could name him Johnnie Trucke Chen in honor of him being born on the date of those events. 7lbs 6oz

Kristal said...

I LOVE your new header!!

Elizabeth said...

love your new header photo of the cutie big siblings! :)

i'm guessing march 9th at 3:43 p.m., weighing 7 lbs 7 oz.

Austin & Terri said...

March 8th @6:23 am. 7lbs 3 oz.

Melanie said...

March 10th, 3:14 PM. 7 lbs. 8 oz.