Sunday, January 30, 2011

Church #5

We tried out a 5th church today.  It was a non-demoninational church which is what we have gone to in the past.  We liked it quite a bit and will go back again next week.  This is only the 2nd church we felt worthy of more than one visit.


1- Type of church we are more familiar with and comfortable attending.
2-  Tons of families with young kids.
3- Lots of activities available -- game nights, movie nights, bible studies (with childcare), volleyball team, etc.
4- Very close to our house.  We walked there today.  The church just relocated- it had been meeting 30 minutes from our house which seemed a little to far for me.
5- Really friendly people.  The pastor made sure to greet us.  I saw him in the gym this afternoon and he recognized me first.  The woman in charge of the woman's ministry came up and said hi to me as well, making sure I felt welcome. Really nice!


1- It's a young church (a church plant from a larger church) due to this they meet in an elementary school.  This isn't a big deal but for some reason it bothers me a little.  I like the comfort an actual church building provides I guess?

2-  The pastor, while kind and inviting, didn't capture our attention as well as some of the other speakers we have heard.  Hard to really evaluate this after one service though so we'll see what we think next week.

It's a pretty small church - probably 100 people in attendance (not including kids) today.  Only one service. 

Anyway, I am hoping we will like it again next week.  We'll see!

1 comment:

Ben and Robyn said...

Sounds like our church. Non-denominational, about 75 people attend the one service each Sunday, meets in an Elementary school. The kids actually get a kick out of the fact that on Sundays, "school" is "church". Pastor Mark is not the most "fire-y" speaker we've ever heard, but he is kind and heartfelt. At the end of the day, I think the best thing is just a church that gets you out the door Sunday morning!