Sunday, January 2, 2011

Church #3

We tried a new church this morning.  We really like the church we went to in November/December (we have been there 4 times) but since this church is likely going to be one that we attend for a long time I feel the need to explore at least 4-5 different churches before making a final decision. 

The church we like is a methodist church so I thought we might as well try another one.

We won't be going back. 

I knew as soon as we pulled up that is wasn't going to be a good fit but we were there so we might as well go in.  The infant nursery had ONE kid in it -- the child of the mom staffing the room!  The toddler nursery (where we put E and L) had ONE child in it as well.  Yikes!  The woman who showed us where the nursery was made a point to tell me they were looking for new people to staff it -- hoping I would volunteer.

The church was small -- probably about 60 people in attendance.  I would say 50 of them had gray hair or none at all.  Everyone was very nice and friendly.  The minister was quite lifeless and dull though -- Victor nodded off and I spent most of the hour composing a blog update in my head! :) 

Music was limited to a organ player and old hymns. 

The sermon seemed to be read from a script - not really applicable for your daily life. 

Anyway, as I said before the people were very friendly but neither Victor nor I had any idea why anyone would chose to attend this church if they are looking for a church that is going to challenge them to grow spiritually. 

I am meeting with the pastor at church #2 later this week.  We will still try out 1-2 different churches prior to committing to a church but at this point I would guess church #2 will be it.  We'll see.

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