Sunday, January 30, 2011

Baby's Room

We are slowly starting to get baby boy's room ready.  The walls are painted and wall vinyls up.  The wall color is actually sage green but looks brown in the above photo - I am not sure why.  I ordered the "vinyl wall stickers" off of Etsy.  Aren't they cool?  I really think it looks like we painted a mural but it is some fancy stickers instead. 

We have a plan made regarding crib/bed switch but are not sure when we will execute it.  Probably in the next week or two.  We are going to give Lainey the mattress from the guest bed (it will be on the floor until she is older) and move the frame to the (unfinished) basement.  We have a queen size futon mattress that we will put on the frame instead.  Not nearly as comfortable for guests but the best option for us at the moment. 

Baby boy's clothes are washed and his dresser is set up.  There are other small things I need to get set up before he arrives (newborn diapers need bought, find my nursing shield, wash the breast pump equipment, pack hospital bag and kids overnight bags, bring cradle up to our room, wash out car seat and make sure it fits in the backseat with the other two kids seats) but otherwise getting the crib in his room is the last big thing we have left.

I am still feeling fine.  I have been really tired this week and had a little more heartburn than I had been having.  Braxton Hicks have finally started (normally I have them by 28 weeks) which makes me feel like we are getting a little closer to delivery.  This pregnancy has been quite easy so far but I am to the point were I am looking forward to the end and meeting baby boy! 

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