Friday, January 14, 2011

19 Months

Hi Sweet Baby Girl! 

What a month you have had!  You have really grown and changed during the past few weeks.

You now can speak in sentences.  Most of them start with "I need" or "I want" but you use them a lot.  You "chat" with me all day long.  It is fun because I feel like I can "converse" with you. 

It seems like you are much less picky now.  You eat most of what I make - I don't give you anything else as an alternative.  You are still drinking rice milk.  You can tolerate small amounts of cheese and yogurt now but not actual milk.  You still only have 8 teeth.  I think you should have 16 by the time you are 2 which means 8 more teeth in the next 5 months.  I am hoping they come in before baby #3 arrives.

You had another mild ear infection before Christmas (#7) I think and at that time failed a tympanometry test (meaning your ear drums weren't moving since there was so much fluid behind them).  We treated it with Amoxicillin and Bromax.  You are feeling better now but I need to take you in for a follow up so the tympanometry can be repeated.  If you fail it again I am guessing we will need to see ENT for a tube evaluation.

Potty Training:
I started potty training you 10 days ago and you are pretty much done.  You wear underware all day long and always tell me when you need to use the bathroom. I have taken you out in public the past 2 days and you have told me when you needed to use the bathroom.  You still have occasional "accidents" if we don't get you there quick enough (at most once a day).  Sometimes it takes 10-15 minutes from the time you say "poop" until you actually use the bathroom so we do a lot of back and forth.  You prefer to use the potty seat instead of the potty chair which is nice as there is no clean up but it means I have to be there to assist you completely.  We will keep you in a diaper at night for quite a while.  You are pretty amazing to me! I am quite proud!

Pretend play:
This is starting to expand for you a little too.  You love your baby dolls and have now trained them how to use the potty chair!  You like to "feed" them but get very mad when I don't let you give them real milk.  You also really love animals and balls.  Erik's trains are a favorite as well - you like to line them all up. 

Overall, it has been quite a fun and exciting month to be your mom!  I love to watch you grow and change.  You are are a delightful little girl.  I am grateful to spend my days with you. 

1 comment:

karine said...

I like how she has baby dolls from different ethnicities!