Monday, October 25, 2010


Erik and Lainey are different in a lot of ways -- their sleep habits is one of them.  For some reason, this makes me chuckle. 

Brief description of sleep habits....


Has always, always loved being held and cuddled while going to sleep.
If we were parents who had rocked their kids to sleep he would have been very hard to break of this habit -- we aren't those parents.
If someone is willing to sleep in bed with him he will always be happy about it.
The person sleeping next to him is not so happy as about 5 minutes after laying down next to him he will have flopped some body part on top of your head. 
Can sleep anywhere -- frequently falls asleep in the stroller, car seat, couch, etc.
Sleeps about 11 hours in a 24 hour period.

Has almost never fallen asleep while being rocked-- at least since around 4 months of age.
Hates being touched/held while falling asleep.
From around 10 months of age after she finished nursing (before naps/bed) she would point to her crib and grunt indicating she wanted to go to bed.
If you are trying to sleep next to her for some reason, know you can not touch her and she will want  need to be in charge of how the covers are placed.
She likes to spread out across the bed -- but again doesn't want to be touched or cuddled.
Will only sleep in her bed or car seat.  I have NEVER seen her fall asleep in a high chair, etc.  =
Sleeps 13-14 hours in a 24 hour period.

Why do I find this so amusing?  Well, lets take a look at a couple other sleep habits.....

Can sleep anywhere at any given time.
Would prefer, if given the option (he isn't), to have his arms draped around whoever happens to be closest to him.
Does fine with 6-7 hours of sleep.

Hates to be touched -- sleeps with pillows lined up in the middle of the bed so no one will try to cross over.
Very particular about blanket and pillow arrangements.  Can only, unless in the first trimester or very sleep deprived post partum, sleep in a bed (with a noise machine and ear plugs).
Likes 8 hours of sleep (although have given up on this about 3 years ago).

Poor, poor Lainey -- it does appear that she has inherited not only my bad sleep 'habits' but also my need for extra sleep.  Not a great combo.

1 comment:

The Kruepkes said...

Ah this sounds familiar. Greg is like V and I'm a "don't touch me while I'm trying to sleep" kinda girl.