Wednesday, May 12, 2010


unravel [ʌnˈrævəl]vb -els, -elling, -elled US, -els -eling, -eled
1. (Clothing, Personal Arts & Crafts / Knitting & Sewing) (tr) to reduce (something knitted or woven) to separate strands
2. (tr) to undo or untangle (something tangled or knotted)
3. (tr) to explain or solve the mystery was unravelled
4. (intr) to become unravelled

I am usually a pretty put together person and on the days I am not so put together I usually don't chose to blog about it. Today, despite trying really hard to keep it together, I fell apart. Completely unravelled. Not fun and I still can't sleep so now you get to hear about it.

The day started out fairly normal -- kids were up around 6:oo or so. Victor left around 6:30. I was more tired than normal because I went to bed too late and both kids get up once during the night. Err!

Erik had school today but did not want to go. He likes school but hasn't really been there for 2 weeks so I think he felt a little anxious about going back. This created a struggle for every step of the morning preperation. He fought getting dressed, getting in the car, going to the bathroom. He was also overtired so he was very particular about what he ate for breakfast, what plate it was on, how it was prepared, etc. He is usually flexible and cooperative unless overtired.

When we get to school he realizes I am going to leave and takes off running down the hall as fast as he can. I catch him and pick him up -- now carrying both kids in my arms. Drop him off at his class -- he is screaming and crying. I of course feel terrible but know he is okay (he was fine all morning). Slightly stressful.

After dropping him off Lainey and I get groceries and then go home.

As most of you know we are planning on moving again soon so I have started the process of arranging someone to sell our home in Waukesha. The first realtor went through the house yesterday. When I got home from the grocery store I checked my e-mail and found his very disappointing proposal. We knew we were going to lose money but the amount was just magnified significantly (50,000-60,000). I e-mail and call Victor to talk about how disappointed/scared/frustrated I am feeling but he is not available.

Lainey and I head off on a walk. Nice chat with Grandma. Still freaking out about the house.

Go pick up Erik. We play with some friends on the playground for 30-45 minutes. He is cooperative when we leave but as soon as we get home he is a mess. Fussing, kicking, crying about everything.

Lainey starts whining too.

Feed the kids lunch. Ignore phone call from realtor.

Take Erik and Lainey up for naps. Erik gets up after 30-40 minutes (instead of 2 hours). He is a bear for the rest of the day. Nothing makes him happy -- believe me I tried it all.

Lainey wakes up so warm her skin is sizzling -- check her temp 103.3. Poor baby. She is actually acting comfortable as long as she is held. This just makes Erik all the more fiesty though.

5 pm -- call Victor explain how I am feeling frustrated, tired, worried. Please come home soon.

6 pm -- Kids are "fed". Erik only wants crackers. Spitting things out onto the floor that was vacuumed earlier in the day. Err! Lainey will only eat watermelon. Ignore another call from the realtor - he leaves a message that is somewhat "rude" telling me that it is important that I call him back.

6:30 - Victor comes home. yeah! He gives Lainey a quick bath. I put her to bed. Erik complains that he is hungry. Imagine that. I offer him a bran muffin. He whines because I took the paper off. I give him a different muffin. He whines because HE took the paper off. I walk away. He crumples up the muffin -- crumbs all over the recently vacuumed floor. Clenching my teeth I send him upstairs for a bath.

7 pm -- Call the realtor. He remembers our house from 2 years ago. States, " I really liked your house two years ago. I tried really hard to get a client to buy it. It was pristine. Now it shows some wear and truthfully looks like a large toy box." In defense of our tenants they have 2 small kids and a dog and have lived in the house for 2 years. They are good tenants and we think they have taken fine care of the house but this conversation makes me realize that not having control over the state of the house for showings is going to be very frustrating.

7:30 pm -- Victor comes back downstairs after putting Erik to "bed". I start to tell him about my day and the concerns I have. Victor offers explanations for Erik's less than pleasant behavior (was not looking for an explanation so irritates me). Pitter patter -- here comes Erik. I talk to Victor for little bit and then send Erik back up to bed. Erik dinks around for another 30-40 minutes.

8:30 pm -- Recognize I am stressed out. Leave for the gym.

9:50 pm - Walk back into a messy house. Victor is in the kitchen using the computer. I can't remember what I said to Victor but his response is something along the lines of, " What's wrong (with you) ?"-- with a very annoyed/perplexed look on his face.

9:51 pm -- I become completely unravelled. Poor Victor.

Does anyone else have days like these? Now that I have it written out I feel less stressed but embarrassed. I wish I could say I didn't get unravelled -- that I turned all my frustrations over to God. But I didn't and I should have. Instead, I ended up yelling at my husband. Sure, Victor could have been more in-tune/engaged/empathetic but ultimately it is not his responsibility to be my all time comforter/provider. I should have turned to my worries over to God and maybe I would have greeted my husband with a kiss instead of a scowl. Off to ask forgiveness and hopefully to get some sleep. Better day tomorrow!


Julie said...

You forgot to add "call my cousin and she doesn't answer" "call my cousin again and she doesn't answer" I hope today will go better. Yes, I've had a day like that almost this week even in fact!

Ben and Robyn said...

Um, yeah, I've definitely been there. And, yeah, I've definitely taken it out on Ben when I shouldn't have! But you always take these things out on the people you KNOW you can trust MOST and those who you KNOW will always be there NO MATTER WHAT. And that's what marriage is really all about, right? For better OR don't feel too guilty! Better luck tomorrow!

mom2mlg said...

Don't be embarassed at all! I just read this and my heart was breaking for you. Those days get to all of us. Sometimes it is so exhausting physically, mentally, and emotionally when nothing goes right and seems to be the most difficult outcome possible. Not to mention the non-stop noise/whining that at least pushes me right over the edge. It is nice that you could use the blog to let it all go before getting a good night of sleep.