Can you believe my baby girl is 11 months old already? The first year has been a lot of work but it has gone by quickly.
Lainey is so fun now. She really does seem like a toddler to me now instead of a baby. Here is what she is up to....
Climbing -- Especially the stairs and into her rocking chair. She is careful on the stairs but reckless on the rocking chair. Last night I caught her standing up in the middle of the rocking chair -- surfing back and forth (not supporting herself against the chair at all). Yikes!
Walking -- She has started taking steps. She isn't really walking yet but she has taken up to 5 steps at once. She is so cute!
Trouble -- She really likes the toilet and toilet water and toilet paper. She LOVED Erik's potty chairs so I got rid of them and she has now moved on to trying to get her hand in the real deal. Gross!
Baby tricks -- Lainey loves to give us big wide mouth kisses; claps and dances along to music; loves to play peek-a-boo
Eating -- She still loves to nurse. She nurses in the morning, before and after each nap, and before bed. She sometimes sleeps through the night but often nurses once in the middle of the night still. She has started to eat solids better -- still picky though.
Playing -- She loves whistles, putting blocks in and out of containers, the sand box, anything Erik has!
Family -- She loves Erik so much. She gets really excited when I tell her we are going to go get Erik up from his nap or from school. She also gets super excited when Victor gets home from work -- if he doesn't come pick her up immediately she cries. So sweet!
Communicating -- She says momma, dada and that's about it. She seems to nod her head up and down for yes. She signs all done and milk inconsistently. She can gets her "needs" met without any problem. She is a spunky spirited baby! Nothing gets past her!
11 month stats:
Weight: 18 pounds 12 ounces (25%) -- at the doctor 5/14
Length: around 30 inches (80-90%) --this was done at home
As I had mentioned in the previous post I thought she may have another ear infection. She didn't -- the doctor said she had fluid in her ears and a really, really red throat. Another virus. She seems to be feeling better today although now she has started coughing. At least the fever is gone. Poor baby.
Lainey you are so cute and sweet I can hardly stand it! I am so happy to be your mommy!
Lainey Dances
1 comment:
So funny about the toilet!
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