We only had one day to spend at Walt Disney World.
The parks are really amazing -- I think you could spend 3 or 4 days in each of them.
Out of all the cool rides the carousel was one of their favorites.
Both kids could ride it and the line was short so they probably went on this 4 times.
Lainey threw a big fit every time we took her off of the horse.
Obligatory photo with Mickey and Minnie.
We tried to take one of just the kids but they both were crying hysterically!
The Airplane Train
Victor somehow convinced me to let my motion sick prone
2 year to ride a real roller coaster.
He seemed excited about it while in line and rode without any tears
but when we asked if he wanted to do it again he very firmly said, "NO!"
Victor somehow convinced me to let my motion sick prone
2 year to ride a real roller coaster.
He seemed excited about it while in line and rode without any tears
but when we asked if he wanted to do it again he very firmly said, "NO!"
Race Cars
This was Erik (and my) favorite ride.
It was quite cool -- Erik was actually able to steer the car himself while
I controlled the gas pedal. The car drove along a medal track so it could only go three or four feet in either direction but the drove pretty fast.
Erik was in heaven!
It was very cute.
This was Erik (and my) favorite ride.
It was quite cool -- Erik was actually able to steer the car himself while
I controlled the gas pedal. The car drove along a medal track so it could only go three or four feet in either direction but the drove pretty fast.
Erik was in heaven!
It was very cute.
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