Once there it was a flurry of activity and eating. The weather was great and there is a fabulous playground right next to Mike and Sonja's on-campus housing so Erik spent all day digging in the sand, riding trikes, swinging, and sliding. Lainey, never too far behind, was covered from head to toe in sand by bed time.
Sleeping was interesting - 2 late night car rides were required. One with both kids at 10 pm and one with just Lainey at 2 am.
745 am morning nap
Sleeping was interesting - 2 late night car rides were required. One with both kids at 10 pm and one with just Lainey at 2 am.
It was the first time all 3 grandkids were together at the same time. Lainey (11 months) and Jamison (5 months) were very interested in each other. Squawking and grabbing at each other.
The travel home was smooth -- the kids slept for the first 2 hours and there was minimal traffic so it only took 4 hours to get back.
Sonja is really super woman -- a first time mom, working full-time with a one hour commute each way, and full-time load of graduate courses. Amazing!
I am very impressed with all your accomplishments Mike and Sonja. We are excited for your new adventures in Philadelphia.
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