My sweet baby girl is really at a fun stage now! She is a fun, easy going baby. She loves attention and wants to be a part of everything. She finds Erik hilarious and can't stand being away from him if she knows he is nearby. Poor girl -- I have already seen Erik push her away from him and say, "Leave me alone, Lainey." If only he knew it was so rare for someone to have complete adoration for you. He should be soaking it up!

She is full of personality! As I said before she wants to be part of everything. This seems to impact her nursing. For the past week or so she has refused to nurse (or will only nurse for a few seconds at a time) if there is anything distracting her. It doesn't have to be a person -- it can be a toy, the computer, phone, etc. This afternoon she was crying because she was hungry but screamed bloody murder when I tried to nurse her. So, I gave her a bottle of pumped milk which she gulped down (although she would only take the bottle at an angle where she could look at Erik). I hope this is short lived because I am not planning on pumping for the next 5 months!

She is getting big (17 pounds at just over 7 months)!! She is moving everywhere now -- army crawling quickly, scooting on her butt, and just today figured out how to go from laying down to sitting on her own. She gets up on all fours and can move a very short distance in the formal crawling position but doesn't have it down for real yet. She wants to spend most of the day standing up which requires supervision. She can almost pull up to standing from sitting.

Lainey has had multiple ear infections and has been stuffed up since birth. Her reflux seemed pretty well controlled on Prevacid but she was still stuffed up all the time. This can be from food allergies so I cut out all traces of dairy (breads, crackers, desserts, etc.), nuts, and eggs three weeks ago. This is a pain for me but worth it as she is so much better!! For the first time in her life she doesn't have a terrible stuffy nose and cough. Her eczema is almost completely gone as well. Too bad it didn't help her sleep through the night. :)
1 comment:
I love her expression in the third pic- so adorable! Lainey Lane!!!
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