Friday, January 22, 2010

Fit Friday

One more week done! I am in the middle of week 4 of p90x -- the recovery week. I don't think much has changed this week. One more week until pictures and measurements -- better find some motivation this week. I haven't missed any workouts yet although I had to do a catch up day once.

I am on this crazy diet -- no nuts, eggs, or dairy due to Lainey's allergies. It really seems to be helping Lainey so I am happy to do it but I was really craving some dessert this week (cutting out nuts, eggs, and dairy really doesn't leave me with a lot of dessert options). I told Victor about this small container of dark chocolate that I knew was dairy free and asked him to stop at Trader Joe's and get it for me. This is what he came home with...

Thank you honey!

He forgot that I wasn't eating nuts - we can save the chocolate
covered almonds for our next house guests.

1 comment:

mom2three said...

What a nice hubbie! So sorry you have to restrict your diet so much- that would be really hard for me! I love that stuff :o)