Friday, December 18, 2009

Sneak Peak

Erik had his first ever Christmas program this morning. We did get a video of it but I don't know how to download it (can't find the power cord) so you will have to wait to see it until Victor can help me. Here, are a few (very poor quality) photos to hold you over.
Erik's stage debut! He didn't fall off and he didn't puke so I think it was a success.
'Erik walking out from the concert. Notice that his "costume" is already off.

Erik and Lily!
They are obsessed with each other. Erik prays for Lily every night and before every meal. He talks about going on vacation with her and having her come to his house. Apparently, Lily is equally obsessed with Erik. She runs to us in the parking lot -- looks for my car in the morning. Pretty funny!! I asked the teacher if they actually play together, she said no. Lily is a really sweet, confident, and vibrant little girl. Much more vocal and social than Erik. She really owns the room. We will have her over for a play date soon hopefully.

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