Yep, this child is causing trouble too. I am not sure if she is playing us or if she is actually in distress but she hasn't slept well for a month. Victor was kind and took over last night but was so tired today he fell asleep on the bus and missed his stop to get off. Thankfully, someone noticed and woke him up so he didn't have to walk too far to get home.
Lainey had a double ear infection a month ago; right after that she developed a nasty cough. We also mixed in traveling, unswaddling, and solids for her. All of that has made for a nasty sleep regression.
We are trying to help her as much as we can. We are home, brought the swaddle back out, checked to make sure her ears are okay (they are). Nothing seemed to help. When we put her in bed she screams and cries. Even when we hold her she fusses.
I bumped up her Prevacid to 7.5 mg twice a day and stopped the solids. The screaming stopped, although she has still been up multiple times at night due to her cough, so at the request of her doctor I put her Prevacid back to the once a day dose. Today I restarted her solids (after stopping a week ago) and guess what she is up screaming again tonight. So it seems like the solids are bothering her. However, she has also been sleeping on the couch with Victor a lot during the past 3 weeks (due to her screaming which started a day or two before we left for Wisconsin) so it may just be that she is spoiled. I don't know.
No more solids until her 6 month appointment on Tuesday. We will see what the doctor suggests. If she thinks it is just behavioral we will be Febering this child soon!
She is cute! And boy do you have your hands full right now. I am so sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with sleeping. Hopefully this is just a short phase. Is she standing up in the second picture? Growing up so fast!
That first picture is amazing, and I LOVE that outfit. She sure IS cute!
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