Erik is a sweet boy but he is so busy and curious! I really feel like he is a mini-tornado creating messes everywhere he goes. This morning he had a mess started before I even got out of bed.
Victor and I still have monitors in our bedroom for Erik and Elaina. This morning Elaina got up first so I got her up and nursed her. Erik was still quiet so I thought I would go downstairs and pump or get breakfast ready before he got up. I actually thought I might be able to a shower before he got up. Ha!!
When I got to the top of the stairs. I noticed that Erik's bedroom door was open and he was gone. His bathroom light was on and water was running. My first thought was that maybe Victor was still home and he was in there with him. That was wrong. Here is what I found.....

Yep, my sweet 2 year old boy was sitting in the sink, toothpaste smeared all over his hands, telling me very sweetly that he was just brushing his teeth. The water is blue from a tablet we use to turn the bath water colors -- just for fun.

Oh my sweet little tornado what I am going to do with you?
He wasn't being defiant he was just curious and busy.
I am so thankful the water was cold and he didn't try to drink it.
Oh, no.
Oh my goodness! I laughed when I saw it on FB. As cute as he is, I am sure that it was a little bit scary too.
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