I am so happy to say my grumpy boy seems to have turned a corner!
He has been SO much more enjoyable during the past 4-6 weeks! Hallelujah!
It really started improving in February, but drastically got better during the past month.
He is still a little firecracker, but the constant screaming has stopped.
Kyle is funny!
That boy has a wicked sense of humor and is truly a little rascal.
He does naughty things with a BIG sparkle in his eye and grin on his face.
He does make me laugh!
He is animated and fun!
He LOVES to sing and sings along to whatever we play in the van.
He has some songs memorized and although can't talk fully, he gets a few words in at the right time.
He is full of life!
Really, really happy OR really, really mad/sad/etc.
I think he gets this from Victor (right!).
He is a climber - almost climbs out of the crib; climbs onto the counter, up the ladder on Lainey's bunk bed; up a tricky ladder at the playground; etc.
He loves animals. He loves our kitty (still have him) and really loves this wonderful Golden Retriever at our bus stop. She is only one, but has SUCH a wonderful demeanor. She lets Kyle lead her on the leash (doesn't pull at all). She lets him give her big hugs and rest himself on her. She's an amazing dog! (In a year or two we will have one of our own, maybe.)
He is attached to me!
He freaks out if I walk to far from him on the playground/bus stop.
He is back to screaming like a banshee when I leave for work.
On the weekends though his loyalty switches over, and by Sunday refuses to go to me and only wants Victor. During the weekdays though, Victor is chopped liver. Silly kid!
He is a silly, playful, animated little guy.
Keeps me on my toes and a smile on my face!
He is a lovely, little boy!
We are so thankful for him and love our rascal deeply!
Sword fighting with Carson.
These two little guys are buddies!
Baby Capp came to visit us this week.
It was such a fun visit.
This poor baby, is in the hospital tonight though with high fevers.
The think it is due to a UTI, but also ruling out sepsis and meningitis.
Please be praying for her!
Always climbing something
Playing a game at nap/bedtime!
He likes to be wrapped up tight in his blankets.
Recently though, he had been sticking his feet straight up in the air
and then giggling and giggling because I can't wrap him up like that.
So funny little guy!
Whacking Carson in the chest
Almost got it!
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