Sunday, January 26, 2014

Kyle- 5 Months!!

Wow!  How it is possible that my baby is 5 months old already?!  Somehow 5 months sounds so much older than 4 months!

This month has been quite chaotic.  During the past 30 days Kyle's been to WI and California.  Victor was out of town for a few days.  Lainey brought home "cold" germs from school which ended up being RSV.  Kyle has bronchiolitis but is holding his own at home.  Carson ended up spending three days in the hospital.  Poor boy!    So as I said, this month has been chaotic.

Kyle is still nursing exclusively.  He nurses every 2-3 hours during the day still.  Night time feeds have varied.  He nursed all night long when we were on vacation.  I retrained him when we got home which meant he was back to 1-2 feedings in a 12 hours period of time.  Then the RSV hit so now he's back to 3 feedings in 12 hours.  Once he is healthy I'll let him cry a bit and assume he'll stretch his feedings back out again.  He is still swaddled at night and LOVES the swaddle blanket. 

Kyle always hangs on to my finger or my shirt when nursing.  Such a sweet, tender moment.  I will miss this!

Kyle got his first haircut this month.  He had a mohawk and the "mohawk" portion was 3-4 inches long and kind of ugly.  So I had it chopped off.  His hair is dark brown and really, really fluffy.  His eyes are still dark grey/black.

He is 15 pounds 7 ounces (35% -full term chart)

Kyle has found his voice this month and coo's and ahh's all day long.  He still seems to be quite serious but does smile and laugh throughout the day.  He strongly prefers to be held although does enjoy his "jumper" for short periods of time.  He reaches out and grabs at the toys which is cute.  He can "sit" (slumped over) for 30 seconds at a time.  He still only rolls from front to back.

 One of my favorite things about having a new baby in our family is watching the complete and utter joy that Lainey gets from having a baby brother.  She cherishes him and it is really, really sweet.

Kyle is a wonderful little baby and it's hard to imagine our family without him.  We are thankful for him!

(Filming compliments of Lainey)

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