Thursday, January 9, 2014

Kyle - 4 Months (or so)

I am still too tired to blog much but figured I'd better get Kyle's 4 month post done before he is 5 months old!

4 Month Stats: (taken 12/27)
14 pounds 3 ounces - (50% adjusted/30% for full term)
24.5 inches (60% adjusted/33% for full term)
16 inch head circumference (50% adjusted)

Kyle is doing very well.  He definitely doesn't seem like a newborn anymore.  He smiles and laughs at us daily.  He is still fairly serious so I have to work pretty hard to get a giggle out of him.  Thankfully, Daron and Feifei heard one of his belly laughs. 

He reaches out and grabs for things - hair, toys, etc.  He has good head and trunk control.  Does not like tummy time but can really hold his head up well now and look around while on his belly. 

Still nursing exclusively, every two to three hours, around the clock. Unfortunately, his stellar sleeping habits have up and disappeared.  For about a month he slept from 6 pm to 3 AM without waking but for the past three to four weeks I have been up with him every 2-3 hours.  This is very, very painful.  I think it started with a growth spurt and then was exacerbated by all the travel.   We are finally home and ready to get back into routine.  I am hoping all the kids stay healthy so the sleeping has a chance to improve again.

During the past two weeks he's been to both WI and California.  A well-traveled infant.

He is a cherished little baby!  Here are a few photos taken recently....

1 comment:

Liz said...

He's so big! Love the stripey outfit. And you look lovely in the last photo--the romantic hairstyle suits you. :) Liz