Friday, January 10, 2014

"Big Sisters Rock"

One of Lainey's favorite shirts has that statement on it and I couldn't agree more!  Lainey is such a wonderful big sister.  She LOVES babies and is so good with Kyle.  She is always happy to hold him and isn't intimidated when he gets a little fussy.   She immediately starts problems solving (does he want wrapped up, his plug, new diaper, hungry?!).   I have not taught her any of these things, it just seems to come naturally.  Erik loves Kyle too but the second he lets out any sort of squak Erik immediately calls for me.  Haha!

Victor is out of town again.  Last night I meant to turn down the monitor after getting up a second time and instead seem to have turned it off.  Six hours later I woke up and realized it was starting to get light out.

I turned the monitor back on and heard silence.  I hurried to Kyle's room and found sweet Lainey holding him on her lap in the crib, reading him a book.  He was happy as a clam.

I fed him and put him down for a nap (she must have been in there for a little while).  When he got up I went started to change his diaper and get him dressed for the day.  When I went to change his diaper I realized that it was dry.    Night trained all ready at 4 months?!  Nope.  You see his sweet 4 year old sister not only read him books, rocked him, sang to him, and kept him happy while I was inadvertently snoozing she also changed his diaper.  Haha!

Big sister really DO rock!  
(She's going to be one awesome babysitter when she's older.)

(P.S. I do realize 4 year old kids should not be in charge of their siblings which I gently reminded 
her of, after thanking her for being such a great and awesome sister.)


lalaflowers said...

Great job Lainey! She's taking care of you too mom! A well rested mom means more fun for the big kids.... :-)

jb said...

oh my goodness, ann, she is the sweetest sister, ever! i cannot, for the life of me, imagine my 4 year old (son) ever doing this :).