Sunday, March 4, 2012

February Budget 2012

Total Saved:  We were over Victors main salary by $200.

I am totally to blame for this.  I kind of went a little wild after learning we may potentially be able to sell the WI house with less of a loss than we anticipated. Oops!  We still don't know about the house but anticipate putting it on the market this week.  ALthough we just about break even each month with the renter it would be a big relief as owning 2 homes comes with a lot of risk.

We actually spent lots more than an extra $200 this month as we bought a new computer (yay!) and plane tickets for all of us to TX for Daron's wedding (double yay!).  Those expenses come out of our "projects" fund though, not out of the daily budget.

Where did our money go??

Food: $833 -- this is our highest grocery bill ever!
Medical: $200
Kids activities/school: $450
Gas: $320

Onto March expenses!

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