Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Daron's Wedding Photos!


Carson was fired from potential ring bearer duties!

So Handsome!

I can't tell who looks more enthused in this photo! :)

Erik and Lainey shared a bed.  They did great, for the most part.

We visited the Space Center.  Erik slept with the rockets in his hand one night.

Waiting.  Everything went really well but as part of the wedding ensemble (Erik and Lainey) there was some waiting involved.  I really feel like the super grumpy hair dresser made me look like a poodle.  Oh well.

Getting ready for the big event.

Still not super pleased with my hair/facial expressions but we are all decked out and looking at
 the camera so it's a keeper!

Carson did not make it through the ceremony.
Poor Victor was out in the hall for about 1/2 of it.

Here we go!  They did great!

Lainey still had flowers in her basket when she got to the end.
She dumped them out one by one at our seats and announced when they were all gone.
She is so sweet!

Here comes the beautiful bride!

Groomsmen - Ted, Kevin, Colin, Chris, Nathan

Listening to the ceremony intently.

Anne, my helper with Lainey during the reception.

Julie, my helper with Carson!

Cutting the cake!

This little girl loves chocolate!

Uncle Kevin and Colin entertained Erik during the reception.

Poor Lainey crashed around 10:30.  She slept through to the next morning even when we put her in
the car and later changed her into pi's.  Sweet baby!

I didn't get any pictures of my kids with GG or great grandpa which is disappointing!! I also don't really have any photos of us with Daron or Feifei!  Weddings are busy events, not the greatest for collecting photos I guess.

The wedding was very nice.  Everything went really well and everyone seemed to have a good time.  We had nice cousin/brother helpers at the reception so Victor and I were able to dance quite a bit.  Dancing in heels is tricky!  We may have made the wedding video. :)

Traveling with 3 small kids is very exhausting but overall the kids had fun and behaved really well.  They have been sleeping in until almost 8 every morning and going to bed at normal times though so clearly they were tired too!


Anonymous said...

love the pics, and the one of you in sepia is very nice, albeit serious. ;) i don't think you look like a poodle at all!
love the pics of your brothers throwing your kids around, Lainey & Erik reading in bed, and Julie and Carson. very fun!

:) liz

Anne U. said...

*CLINK* "Cheers!" haha! It was a blast seeing you and getting to spend time with your sweet kids! :)

Austin & Terri said...

Love the pictures! You look beautiful!