Carson is such a sweet baby!
Here is what he is up to at 12 months...
Carson is a good eater. He is really just starting to eat meals, rather than small "snacks" but he will eat a variety of foods. He does choke pretty easily so everything is very diced up quite small still. If I had to pick a favorite food for him I would say it is cheese.
Carson is still nursing about 6 times in a 24 hour period. I won't make any attempt to wean him until we get back from Daron's wedding. Even then I plan to let him wean slowly over the next few months.
Carson sleeps well. He goes to bed between 7:00 and 7:30 and gets up between 6:00 and 7:00. I do still nurse him once before I go to bed (10:30ish). This will be the first feeding to be dropped. It actually makes my sleep better though because on the nights he doesn't wake up for that feeding he gets up frantic for food by 5:30 or 5:45.
Carson takes 2 naps a day. He usually goes down for the first nap 2 hours after he gets up. Some days it is in the stroller or car seat. His afternoon nap is usually from approx 1-2 pm.
My beautiful boy! |
Carson started babbling this month. Phew!! He jabbers quite a bit and uses the consonants da and ba all day long. Occasionally I hear mama but this is infrequent. Hmph!! He mimics us by saying, "Uh!" when he drops something but other wise doesn't have any real words yet. They will come. He figured out how to shake his head NO which is funny.
Carson has mild separation anxiety and cries briefly when I leave him at the gym or church daycare. He also cries at times when Victor or I leave the house.
Carson walks everywhere. He can crawl up and down the stairs independently. He loves to throw balls and play chase. He loves to be outside.
Carson loves to dance to music and clap his hands. I hear him clapping over the baby monitor when he gets up from this nap. Haha!
Carson puts everything in his mouth!! Way worse than any of my other kids. I am constantly digging sticks and rocks out of his mouth when we are outside.
Erik was being silly. |
Carson thought he was sooo funny! |
If I had to pick 3 words to describe Carson they would be.... laid back, happy, and sweet. He has been such an easy baby. I think I am still kind of shocked at how much easier he was than the other two.
That being said, the toddler 'tude has started to appear. He is very determined to get what he wants (95% of the time he is laid back though) and will fight for it.
If you do something that makes him mad he arches his back and flops himself on the ground. This makes me laugh (so far). It's so funny to see your sweet tiny baby turn into a person with thoughts and emotions.
Carson is really playful. He loves both Lainey and Erik. He relates differently to each of them though.
Lainey is so sweet to him most of the time. If he is sad she automatically goes and gets her most prized blanket and gives it to him. She's been doing this since the first moment we brought him home from the hospital. He LOVES her blanket too and snuggles his face into it whenever he sees it.
Carson also fights with Lainey more than he does with Erik. I think it is because they are interested in some of the same toys. It is not uncommon to hear loud shrieking from both of them throughout the day. Lainey at times, pushes him over in frustration, which doesn't seem to upset him, but does earn her an automatic time out. Lainey loves to play peek-a-boo in the car with Carson (her seat is directly behind his and he is facing backwards). He mimics her "ambulance" sound which is quite cute.
Erik is more of a general helper with Carson. He will entertain him if I need him too, runs and get diapers or other things if I ask, etc. If I need to run upstairs for a minute I feel fairly comfortable leaving Carson downstairs with Erik watching out for him. Erik likes to give Carson hugs and kisses. Carson, like his sister, does not seem to enjoy this. (Erik is my snuggler for sure!)
Carson just makes me smile.
I am so thankful for our sweet boy!