Not real pretty but about the best we could possibly do I think....
Goal: Save $500 every month from Victor's main salary
Food: $37 over
Fixed: $48 under
Entertainment: $4 under
Household Costs/Extra expenses: $ 580 over!! YIKES!!
What was so expensive?
1) Healthcare!
We spent $550 on medical bills, prescriptions, doctor visits, etc. this month. $300 was from Lainey's ENT procedure but the rest was secondary to kid sick visits and allergy medicines from Erik, Elaina, and Victor. We have fairly good insurance too! Yikes!
2) We had multiple other "one time" purchases that all ranged in price from $100-$150 including...
gymnastics registration for Erik and Elaina, purchased my blog book, outfitted the kids closets for spring/summer, gift for my aunt who came to help, and building a garden bed
We usually have 2-3 extra "purchases" that fall in this catergory on a monthly basis. This month there were 5.
How much did we save?
What expenses/savings do we anticipate next month?
1- We have to buy a lawn mower!
2- Healthcare costs -- allergy expenses will be high through June or so; we have to pay for Victor's new CPAP machine
3- Yearly car maintenance on the RAV (may wait until May)
4- My birthday :)
We will be able to save our tax returns, the 3rd paycheck you get in April, and 2 months of Navy pay in April. This will be divided amongst the kids college funds, an IRA, and the mini-van fund.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Mom to Three
The back seat of my car makes me laugh!
I have ventured out a couple times with all three kids this week.
So far, it hasn't been a problem.
I think going from 1 kid to 2 seems to have been much more difficult than 2 to 3.
Hopefully, that will still be my opinion a month or two from now.
Carson is still not winning any awards in the
sleeping department (demands to eat every 2 hours around the clock).
That being said, he is about the calmest sweetest baby possible.
He has made this transition easy so far.
Victor has also made the transition easier because he will take the first
feeding some nights (yay for babies who are willing to take bottles) which allows
me to get 4-5 hours of sleep in a row instead of 1-2 hours.
I have always loved babies and am particularly fond of this one.
Being a mom of three is quite fun so far.
I am so thankful that they are mine!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
High Maintenance
That's the word the pediatrician used to describe Lainey this morning. Ha! He wasn't referring to her personality but was trying to warn me that her persistent cough, congestion, and ear infections are going to make her a high maintenance patient for the time being.
As you know Lainey had tubes placed in her ears one month ago. For the past 2 1/2 weeks she has had a runny nose and cough. She has also had drainage out of her left ear. We treated the ear infection with antibiotic drops for 3-4 days. It cleared but a week later she has more drainage.
The pediatrician feels that some of her chronic congestion/ear infections (she has been congested since she was 5 days old) are related to allergies. So, now he have 2 kids who are on daily Singular and Claritin. Wonderful. Hopefully it will help. She was also restarted on Amoxicillin for 10 days to help clear the sinus infection she is dealing with now.
Lainey had her blood drawn this morning (finger stick) and she didn't flinch at all. She sat still and watched what they were doing. It was quite impressive. They checked her CBC. Her WBC was mildly elevated (indicative of an acute infection) but everything else was normal.
I took him into the pediatrician this morning too. The doctor agreed that he sounds like a reflux kid so we are starting him on Zantac. Hopefully, that will help with sleeping and make him more comfortable.
He is growing well. They weigh the kids with their clothes on so I am not sure exactly what he weighs but it is around 8.5 pounds. He gained 13 ounces in 8 days! Big kid!
Erik is doing well so far this allergy season. He didn't have an appointment this morning but I didn't want him to feel left out. He is on Singulair, Claritin, and Budesonide nebulizer daily. His worst symptoms last year were the first 2 weeks of April. I am praying things are better this year. We'll see.
That's the word the pediatrician used to describe Lainey this morning. Ha! He wasn't referring to her personality but was trying to warn me that her persistent cough, congestion, and ear infections are going to make her a high maintenance patient for the time being.
As you know Lainey had tubes placed in her ears one month ago. For the past 2 1/2 weeks she has had a runny nose and cough. She has also had drainage out of her left ear. We treated the ear infection with antibiotic drops for 3-4 days. It cleared but a week later she has more drainage.
The pediatrician feels that some of her chronic congestion/ear infections (she has been congested since she was 5 days old) are related to allergies. So, now he have 2 kids who are on daily Singular and Claritin. Wonderful. Hopefully it will help. She was also restarted on Amoxicillin for 10 days to help clear the sinus infection she is dealing with now.
Lainey had her blood drawn this morning (finger stick) and she didn't flinch at all. She sat still and watched what they were doing. It was quite impressive. They checked her CBC. Her WBC was mildly elevated (indicative of an acute infection) but everything else was normal.
I took him into the pediatrician this morning too. The doctor agreed that he sounds like a reflux kid so we are starting him on Zantac. Hopefully, that will help with sleeping and make him more comfortable.
He is growing well. They weigh the kids with their clothes on so I am not sure exactly what he weighs but it is around 8.5 pounds. He gained 13 ounces in 8 days! Big kid!
Erik is doing well so far this allergy season. He didn't have an appointment this morning but I didn't want him to feel left out. He is on Singulair, Claritin, and Budesonide nebulizer daily. His worst symptoms last year were the first 2 weeks of April. I am praying things are better this year. We'll see.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Carson - Two Weeks Old
Beautiful Boys! |
Week two has gone well. Here are some highlights....
1- Lots of family time...
Victor was home this week still which was nice. Real life will be resumed on Monday. Wish me luck!
My parents and brother Colin were here for a few days. Mom helped us out with meals and Dad built a raised garden bed with Victor and the kids. Colin taught Erik about rocks. What a cool uncle! :)
2) Poor sleep/Reflux....
I am quite sleep deprived at this point. Carson is a sweet, wonderful baby but he is not a great sleeper. He isn't awake much yet but seems as though he is quite uncomfortable after eating at times. He will sleep in the swing okay but refuses to sleep laying flat (in the bassinet). A lot of nights I have been up for 3-4 hours with a sleepy but uncomfortable/restless baby. He doesn't cry unless you put him down. He has been spitting up some and I here reflux going up and down his throat all day long.
I am taking him in tomorrow and am hopeful the "terrible" sleeping is related to reflux as that is treatable. We'll see.
He is nursing and growing well. He is a pretty hungry baby. He has found his hands/fingers quite often which is adorable.
You are loved little boy Carson!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
First Bath
Friday, March 18, 2011
Carson - One week Old
Carson had a great first week. Here is what he was up to....
1- Eating:
He is the hungriest baby I have ever had. He was SOOO ticked that it took 60 hours for my milk supply to come in. He didn't fuss about it but insisted that he be latched on constantly. Now I have enough milk to feed 3 babies!
2- Growing:
He is back to his birth weight already!
3- Sleeping:
This has not been so great but now that my milk is established he has been stretching out a little giving me 2 hours of sleep at a time instead of 45 minutes. I hope it continue to improve! He sleeps in the bassinet next to my bed.
4- Out and about:
During his first week he has been to...
-playground daily
-doctor's office twice (he was mildly jaundiced but this is pretty much gone already)
-Erik's school
-Coffee Quarter (Victor and I took him on a date while Cyndy watched Erik and Elaina for an hour.)
You can tell he is the 3rd kid!
We are doing well and have had great help with meals and childcare thanks for Aunt Sonja and Great Aunt Cyndy. The weather has been beautiful (60-80 degrees) so we have been out on walks and at the playground daily. March seems to be a great time to have a baby in the DC area!
You are a loved little boy Carson! We are so thankful that you are here!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Elaina - 21 Months
Hi Sweet Lainey -
You are 21 months old now. This is going to be a short update because I am tired! This month has been full of changes for you. Here are the highlights....
1) Ear tubes:
We had tubes placed in your ears due to chronic ear infections and fluid. The procedure went well and since then it does seem as though you are feeling better. You have been a less crabby than before. Since the procedure you have already had another ear infection but with tubes in we just treated it with drops. It didn't seem to bother you at all. Yay!
2) Big Sister!
This of course has been the biggest change. You seem to have adjusted well. You love Carson and want to help us with changing diapers, getting him dressed, covering him up with blankets, etc. I was worried that you would be really clingy or jealous but so far that hasn't been the case. We will see how you do once Victor goes back to work.
3) Potty training:
You have been potty trained for 2 months. Aunt Sonja watched you while I was in the hospital for 2-3 days. I was worried that you would have tons of accidents while she was there but you only had 2. I am impressed as you didn't know Sonja very well before this visit and still told her when you needed to go.
We are still having some issues with you lying about when you need to go in order to get out of something unpleasant. At this point if you tell us you need to go we make you sit for at least 10 seconds even if it causes you some distress. If you absolutely refuse to sit then you miss out on whatever fun activity you were trying to "lie" your way into until you decide to sit. Hopefully, the fibbing will resolve quickly. :)
I was/am amazed at how giant you seem now that Carson is here! How I ever thought you were still a baby is beyond me! You are such a BIG girl! We love you lots!
You are 21 months old now. This is going to be a short update because I am tired! This month has been full of changes for you. Here are the highlights....
1) Ear tubes:
We had tubes placed in your ears due to chronic ear infections and fluid. The procedure went well and since then it does seem as though you are feeling better. You have been a less crabby than before. Since the procedure you have already had another ear infection but with tubes in we just treated it with drops. It didn't seem to bother you at all. Yay!
2) Big Sister!
This of course has been the biggest change. You seem to have adjusted well. You love Carson and want to help us with changing diapers, getting him dressed, covering him up with blankets, etc. I was worried that you would be really clingy or jealous but so far that hasn't been the case. We will see how you do once Victor goes back to work.
3) Potty training:
You have been potty trained for 2 months. Aunt Sonja watched you while I was in the hospital for 2-3 days. I was worried that you would have tons of accidents while she was there but you only had 2. I am impressed as you didn't know Sonja very well before this visit and still told her when you needed to go.
We are still having some issues with you lying about when you need to go in order to get out of something unpleasant. At this point if you tell us you need to go we make you sit for at least 10 seconds even if it causes you some distress. If you absolutely refuse to sit then you miss out on whatever fun activity you were trying to "lie" your way into until you decide to sit. Hopefully, the fibbing will resolve quickly. :)
I was/am amazed at how giant you seem now that Carson is here! How I ever thought you were still a baby is beyond me! You are such a BIG girl! We love you lots!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Carson meets Elaina!
Lainey stayed home with Aunt Sonja and Jamison while Victor and Erik came to get us. I don't think she really knew what they were doing or she would have been really mad about being left behind.
We got back from the hospital just as she was waking up from her nap. She loves the baby and is very gentle with him. She wants to hold him on her lap and burp him. She saves her doll blankets for him. She is quite curious about him nursing and if he is crying has tried to lift up my shirt so he can eat. :)
She is going to be a great big sister!
We got back from the hospital just as she was waking up from her nap. She loves the baby and is very gentle with him. She wants to hold him on her lap and burp him. She saves her doll blankets for him. She is quite curious about him nursing and if he is crying has tried to lift up my shirt so he can eat. :)
She is going to be a great big sister!
Lainey sharing her favorite blanket with Carson |
Carson meets Erik
Erik came with Victor to pick Carson and me up from the hospital. It was a long drive (3 hours round trip) but Erik was really sad when Victor said he was going to leave so Erik came too. It was really nice to have him come. He was so excited about meeting his new baby brother.
Cute moments....
"Mommy, I really want to hold that cute, tiny baby."
Giggling when Carson "tried to eat his shirt."
When I jokingly asked Erik if we should leave the baby at the hospital or bring him home he very quickly and seriously responded that we needed to bring our baby home.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Carson Thomas
Birth Story:
My contractions started around 10 pm Thursday evening. I had walked 4 miles on the treadmill that evening hoping to kick start labor and it seemed to work! They were pretty mild contractions coming every 7-8 minutes but strong enough that I couldn't sleep through them. Around 2 AM Victor got up because Erik was crying and I told him that he should probably take a shower because the contractions hadn't stopped. I knew we were pretty early along in the labor process but living 60 miles from the hospital we couldn't risk getting stuck in DC traffic with a quicker than expected labor.
![]() |
Dr. Kacedan |
We left for the hospital around 2:40 AM arriving at 4:00 AM. My contractions were every 4-5 minutes apart not severe but consistent. I was about 2 cm dilated we when arrived.
By 10 AM I was 4 cm and went ahead and got the epidural. I am a big fan of epidurals (HA!) and so far mine have gone well. By noon I was 5 cm and Dr. Kacedan broke my water. Things continued to putz along slowly. At 4pm I was only 6 cm so they added a small amount of pitocin.
This sped things up which was good and by 6 pm I was complete. I pushed for 5 minutes or less and Carson arrived at 6:17 pm. He was (and is) perfect. I didn't tear at all which is great.
The hardest part of the labor was fatigue. I had been awake, with the exception of a 1-2 hour nap after getting the epidural, for 36 hours by the time he was born. I also had an episode of feeling very lightheaded and nauseated which was secondary to a drop in blood pressure (90/50) after getting a bolus of epidural medication. This was fixed with a small dose of epinephrine (I think - I was way out of it when she gave me this).
Our first night went well. He was sleepy and went for 5 hours without waking up. I was up during the stretch with cramps but I still appreciate the 5 hour stretch.
He is nursing well. He latched on within 20 minutes of being born and has nursed 4 times during his first 12 hours of life. Recovery is going fine for me. I am having a LOT of cramping and actually took a Percocet for it. My doctor warned me that uterine cramping always seems worse for you 3rd+ kid. Still fairly heavy but normal bleeding. I have been STARVING which hopefully will subside soon.
Erik and Lainey haven't met him yet and probably won't until I get home (too long of drive). They are at home with Aunt Sonja (thank you!) who arrived at our house for "babywatch" 6 hours before labor started!
7lbs 11 ounces (the biggest of our three as I predicted)
21 inches long
13.75 cm head
Apgars 8/9
He has dark brown hair that is really long in the back.
He has big dimples like Erik - cute!
Detached ear lobes
Small mouth - not toungue tied (Lainey is)
Round cheeks
Blue eyes
BIG hands and feet!
Overall, he looks most like Lainey did as a newborn. It will be fun to see what he looks like in a year. Newborns always seem tiny when being compared to older kids but I remember holding tiny little Lainey as a newborn and compared to her Carson seems huge! 1.25 pounds makes a difference!
We are in love and so grateful for our healthy baby boy!
Momma's Boy!
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Meeting little Carson after 20 hours of labor! |
This sweet little boy made me a winner - which we all know is very important!
I had guessed that he would be born on March 11th weighing 7 lbs 13 ounces.
He was born March 11th weighing 7 lbs 11 ounces!
Too bad I hadn't offered up the winner anything more than bragging rights!
Of course there isn't a better prize than sweet little Carson Thomas - my momma's boy!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Revenge of the Ears
Well, Lainey has her tubes in place (thankfully as she has another cold which always led to an ear infection) but we are still not free of ear infections.
Erik told me last Friday that he had "germs in his ear." I checked his ears and his left ear seemed to be have a very mild infection but I doubted the doctor would treat it. So I gave him ibuprofen and he didn't complain about it again. I checked it again Monday and it looked the same (mild infection).
Since Monday he has had a runny nose and cough and then yesterday "spiked" a fever of 100.5. So I checked his ears again and sure enough his left ear was definitely infected now.
So this morning we spent 3 hours between the doctor's office and target pharmacy. He was given Omnicef because he just finished amoxicillin a week ago (for a sinus infection). I am hoping and praying it doesn't upset his stomach like it did for Lainey.
I am still pregnant. Physically I am doing fine - off and on contractions but nothing too exciting. Mentally I am a little stir crazy. I would love to be holding my baby instead of waiting. Sonja and Jamison are arriving this afternoon so as soon as they get here we are covered with childcare until the 22nd (with the exception of a 4 hour period of time on Tuesday!).
I have done all the nesting I can think to do and have moved on to baking. Ha! I have my 38 week appointment tomorrow morning. I'll let you know what, if any, progress was made this week.
Erik told me last Friday that he had "germs in his ear." I checked his ears and his left ear seemed to be have a very mild infection but I doubted the doctor would treat it. So I gave him ibuprofen and he didn't complain about it again. I checked it again Monday and it looked the same (mild infection).
Since Monday he has had a runny nose and cough and then yesterday "spiked" a fever of 100.5. So I checked his ears again and sure enough his left ear was definitely infected now.
So this morning we spent 3 hours between the doctor's office and target pharmacy. He was given Omnicef because he just finished amoxicillin a week ago (for a sinus infection). I am hoping and praying it doesn't upset his stomach like it did for Lainey.
I am still pregnant. Physically I am doing fine - off and on contractions but nothing too exciting. Mentally I am a little stir crazy. I would love to be holding my baby instead of waiting. Sonja and Jamison are arriving this afternoon so as soon as they get here we are covered with childcare until the 22nd (with the exception of a 4 hour period of time on Tuesday!).
I have done all the nesting I can think to do and have moved on to baking. Ha! I have my 38 week appointment tomorrow morning. I'll let you know what, if any, progress was made this week.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Baby Bellies
Both kids are convinced they have babies in their bellies. Erik has named his baby Tyler. Lainey tells us her baby is napping and if we are too noisy says, " Shhh!" Ha!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Family of Four
Victor and I went out on one last date tonight. We really don't have any recent group shots or pictures of me pregnant (except for the belly shots) so I had our sitter snap a picture of the 4 (almost 5) of us tonight. Amazingly everyone had their eyes open and was looking at the camera!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Baby #3 - 37 weeks
I hope these are the last belly shots you will see!
What's happening?
I am tired! Victor was out of town last weekend for reserve duty so I have been lagging behind in sleep and energy for the past week. I have taken 2 naps this week and fell asleep one night before I went to the bathroom or pulled up the covers. If you know about my picky sleeping habits you would find this quite amusing!
Contractions have started. Since Tuesday (March 1st) I have had contractions off and on all day. Some are quite uncomfortable but nothing truly painful yet. I think I have started losing my "plug" as well. (Sorry to the men reading this update!) On Thursday I was just 50% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated. Baby is head down and low. I was about the same with Lainey prior to going into labor.
I am excited that the end is so close! I can't wait to see what this little boy looks like, to snuggle and nurse a sweet tiny baby again, and show off my cute little guy to all the world.
How's baby?
Getting BIG! For the first time in 3 pregnancies my fundal height measured as it was supposed to (37 cm at 37 weeks). I have always lagged behind by 2-3 weeks in the past. I felt like he had a big growth spurt and had gained 3 pounds in 2 weeks so I am happy that my exam seems to agree with the idea that he is growing - not just me. I am up 22 pounds total now.
When will he arrive?
Wouldn't that be nice to know?!
My doctor predicted he will arrive Monday March 7th. Both Erik and Lainey were born on a Monday at 6:30 pm so if this happens again it will be quite funny.
My prediction is Friday March 11th weighing in at 7 pounds 13 ounces.
Victor predicts Thursday March 10th weighing in at 7 pounds even.
Assuming my body seems ready to go I will likely be induced on or by March 21st. Why? Primarily for convenience due to the fact we will lose our childcare providers on the 22nd/23rd. I know this wouldn't be everyone's choice but I will be ready to meet this baby and by then I will be one week overdue according to my original due date (March 14-15th).
When were Erik and Lainey born in comparison??
12 days early according to ultrasound date; right on time according to LMP
Equal to March 14th
7 pounds 6 ounces
18 days early according to ultrasound date; 10 days early according to LMP
Equal to March 8th
6 pounds 7 ounces
Baby #3:
Original due date was March 14/15th
7 week ultrasound due date was March 26th
20 week ultrasound due date was March 22nd
What do you think??
Leave a comment below or vote in the poll or BOTH! Winner will earn bragging points. I'd send you something but with 3 kids 3 and under you most likely wouldn't get it until Christmas. :)
What's happening?
I am tired! Victor was out of town last weekend for reserve duty so I have been lagging behind in sleep and energy for the past week. I have taken 2 naps this week and fell asleep one night before I went to the bathroom or pulled up the covers. If you know about my picky sleeping habits you would find this quite amusing!
Contractions have started. Since Tuesday (March 1st) I have had contractions off and on all day. Some are quite uncomfortable but nothing truly painful yet. I think I have started losing my "plug" as well. (Sorry to the men reading this update!) On Thursday I was just 50% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated. Baby is head down and low. I was about the same with Lainey prior to going into labor.
I am excited that the end is so close! I can't wait to see what this little boy looks like, to snuggle and nurse a sweet tiny baby again, and show off my cute little guy to all the world.
How's baby?
Getting BIG! For the first time in 3 pregnancies my fundal height measured as it was supposed to (37 cm at 37 weeks). I have always lagged behind by 2-3 weeks in the past. I felt like he had a big growth spurt and had gained 3 pounds in 2 weeks so I am happy that my exam seems to agree with the idea that he is growing - not just me. I am up 22 pounds total now.
When will he arrive?
Wouldn't that be nice to know?!
My doctor predicted he will arrive Monday March 7th. Both Erik and Lainey were born on a Monday at 6:30 pm so if this happens again it will be quite funny.
My prediction is Friday March 11th weighing in at 7 pounds 13 ounces.
Victor predicts Thursday March 10th weighing in at 7 pounds even.
Assuming my body seems ready to go I will likely be induced on or by March 21st. Why? Primarily for convenience due to the fact we will lose our childcare providers on the 22nd/23rd. I know this wouldn't be everyone's choice but I will be ready to meet this baby and by then I will be one week overdue according to my original due date (March 14-15th).
When were Erik and Lainey born in comparison??
12 days early according to ultrasound date; right on time according to LMP
Equal to March 14th
7 pounds 6 ounces
18 days early according to ultrasound date; 10 days early according to LMP
Equal to March 8th
6 pounds 7 ounces
Baby #3:
Original due date was March 14/15th
7 week ultrasound due date was March 26th
20 week ultrasound due date was March 22nd
What do you think??
Leave a comment below or vote in the poll or BOTH! Winner will earn bragging points. I'd send you something but with 3 kids 3 and under you most likely wouldn't get it until Christmas. :)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Erik at 3.5 years old
I figure I better get this update done now as I could have a new baby by the 10th and blogging will not be a priority then!
What is Erik like at 3 1/2??
Overall, Erik is a really laid back kid. He is patient and accepts change quite easily. By this I mean, if I change my mind about something or don't follow through with a plan it doesn't cause him to be upset (usually).
He is gentle and on the quieter side. He does NOT like being the center of attention in a group setting. He is visibly uncomfortable when in the spot light. He is very observant and seems to be quite aware of other people's feelings/moods.
He is very social and LOVES to play with other kids and his friends at school. He is not the team leader but most definitely wants to be part of whatever is going on and craves social activities. His teachers have commented that he gets great joy out of playing with the other kids. Cute!
He had a month or two of tough behavior - tantrums, crying, etc. This was right after we moved though and once we were settled in the new house, school, neighborhood these behaviors just about disappeared.
If he argues with anyone it is almost always Victor. This seems to have improved some recently but it is still an issue. Neither Victor nor I know why this is happening but I hope and pray it isn't a long term trend as I long for my kids to have a close relationship with both parents. (That being said Erik loves to spend time with Victor - a favorite game being chase. Most of their interactions are positive but they definitely have more conflict than Erik and I have.)
Social Activities:
Erik goes to preschool two mornings a week for 2.5 hours. He LOVES school! He has never complained about being dropped off. He talks about random kids but no one seems to be a "best" friend. He didn't start preschool until December 1st though so the other kids had known each other for 3 months already.
Erik also goes to a gymnastics class once a week. The class is small (about 5 kids). He has a wonderful time and looks forward to it each week. I get to watch the class (don't go in with him) and I love to see him giggle and play with the other kids. He is getting more advanced in his skills which is also neat to see. He is eager to try new things and seems to follow instruction well.
There are a lot of kids in our neighborhood close in age to Erik. A lot of them have 2 working parents though so our interactions with them are somewhat minimal. He really seems to enjoy a new neighbor girl named Abigail and a little boy named Noah. I am sure we will see people outside more this spring and summer. It will be neat to see friendships develop.
Cognitive Skills:
At 3.5 Erik recognizes all of his uppercase letters, most of his lowercase letters (the letters p, g, d, b, and q he has trouble with). He counts correctly to 13 but then skips around some. He has learned how to count on his fingers and likes to display that skill. He correctly identifies the numbers 1- 10 although likes to tell me a 9 is really a P. He has just started trying to figure out all the letter sounds and often tries to figure out what letter a word starts with on his own. He recognizes his name but when he spells it out loud he usually still skips the I. He is NOT at all interested in writing out letters, numbers, shapes, etc. He really dislikes drawing although enjoys painting.
Erik has started to be more interested in puzzles and can complete some jigsaw puzzles on his own. He LOVES to read and would listen to books all day long if he could!
Around the house:
He is a good helper. He sets the table for dinner and clears his own spot off the table. He gets himself dressed in the morning. He is easily distracted so I have started to give him "money" on the days he gets himself dressed promptly. Most days this motivates him. He is saving up his pennies/nickles/dimes for a "convelter" aka toy conveyor belt. He has been focused on this goal for about a month.
He is still wearing pull-ups at night. Sometimes dry, sometimes not. We are not pushing the issue at all and won't take them away until he is consistently dry as I do not want to have to get him out of bed at 10:30 or so every night to go to the bathroom.
He LOVES to play outside and is very excited about our new deck/fence. He can ride his trike or balance bike for about 1.5 miles.
Bedtime is around 8:30 PM and he usually gets up around 6:30 AM. He still naps for 1.5 to 3 hours every day. The only days he skips a nap is if he sleeps in until 7:30 or 8:00 AM which is rare.
He is a great big brother to Lainey. He is pretty patient with her and enjoys playing with her. He gets a big kick out of some of her antics.
Reflux seems to be pretty much resolved. Still has a sensitive stomach and doesn't tolerate greasy food.
Allergies and asthma are his main issues. We started him on daily nebulizers (Budesonide) due to the fact that he has had multiple episodes of bronchitis and pneumonia requiring steroids during the past year. He has been healthy since started that so we will see if it helps him through his next bad chest cold/virus.
He has bad seasonal allergies. We started him on Singulair 4mg a day recently and hope it helps us get through the allergy season without multiple drugs this year. We may consider treating him with allergy shots next year if this year is a struggle again.
He is still allergic to tree nuts. Cats also bother him sometimes. I would love to get a cat as both kids love them but somehow we need to find one that doesn't bother him (about 25% of cats seem to really, really irritate his allergies). Maybe we will look for one as a 4th birthday present. We'll see!
He is very sensitive to chemicals (anaphylactic reaction to Dial body wash in November) so we try to keep all our cleaning/bathing products chemical free.
Erik is around 39-40 inches tall and 35 pounds.
What is Erik like at 3 1/2??
Overall, Erik is a really laid back kid. He is patient and accepts change quite easily. By this I mean, if I change my mind about something or don't follow through with a plan it doesn't cause him to be upset (usually).
He is gentle and on the quieter side. He does NOT like being the center of attention in a group setting. He is visibly uncomfortable when in the spot light. He is very observant and seems to be quite aware of other people's feelings/moods.
He is very social and LOVES to play with other kids and his friends at school. He is not the team leader but most definitely wants to be part of whatever is going on and craves social activities. His teachers have commented that he gets great joy out of playing with the other kids. Cute!
He had a month or two of tough behavior - tantrums, crying, etc. This was right after we moved though and once we were settled in the new house, school, neighborhood these behaviors just about disappeared.
If he argues with anyone it is almost always Victor. This seems to have improved some recently but it is still an issue. Neither Victor nor I know why this is happening but I hope and pray it isn't a long term trend as I long for my kids to have a close relationship with both parents. (That being said Erik loves to spend time with Victor - a favorite game being chase. Most of their interactions are positive but they definitely have more conflict than Erik and I have.)
Social Activities:
Erik goes to preschool two mornings a week for 2.5 hours. He LOVES school! He has never complained about being dropped off. He talks about random kids but no one seems to be a "best" friend. He didn't start preschool until December 1st though so the other kids had known each other for 3 months already.
Erik also goes to a gymnastics class once a week. The class is small (about 5 kids). He has a wonderful time and looks forward to it each week. I get to watch the class (don't go in with him) and I love to see him giggle and play with the other kids. He is getting more advanced in his skills which is also neat to see. He is eager to try new things and seems to follow instruction well.
There are a lot of kids in our neighborhood close in age to Erik. A lot of them have 2 working parents though so our interactions with them are somewhat minimal. He really seems to enjoy a new neighbor girl named Abigail and a little boy named Noah. I am sure we will see people outside more this spring and summer. It will be neat to see friendships develop.
Cognitive Skills:
At 3.5 Erik recognizes all of his uppercase letters, most of his lowercase letters (the letters p, g, d, b, and q he has trouble with). He counts correctly to 13 but then skips around some. He has learned how to count on his fingers and likes to display that skill. He correctly identifies the numbers 1- 10 although likes to tell me a 9 is really a P. He has just started trying to figure out all the letter sounds and often tries to figure out what letter a word starts with on his own. He recognizes his name but when he spells it out loud he usually still skips the I. He is NOT at all interested in writing out letters, numbers, shapes, etc. He really dislikes drawing although enjoys painting.
Erik has started to be more interested in puzzles and can complete some jigsaw puzzles on his own. He LOVES to read and would listen to books all day long if he could!
Around the house:
He is a good helper. He sets the table for dinner and clears his own spot off the table. He gets himself dressed in the morning. He is easily distracted so I have started to give him "money" on the days he gets himself dressed promptly. Most days this motivates him. He is saving up his pennies/nickles/dimes for a "convelter" aka toy conveyor belt. He has been focused on this goal for about a month.
He is still wearing pull-ups at night. Sometimes dry, sometimes not. We are not pushing the issue at all and won't take them away until he is consistently dry as I do not want to have to get him out of bed at 10:30 or so every night to go to the bathroom.
He LOVES to play outside and is very excited about our new deck/fence. He can ride his trike or balance bike for about 1.5 miles.
Bedtime is around 8:30 PM and he usually gets up around 6:30 AM. He still naps for 1.5 to 3 hours every day. The only days he skips a nap is if he sleeps in until 7:30 or 8:00 AM which is rare.
He is a great big brother to Lainey. He is pretty patient with her and enjoys playing with her. He gets a big kick out of some of her antics.
Reflux seems to be pretty much resolved. Still has a sensitive stomach and doesn't tolerate greasy food.
Allergies and asthma are his main issues. We started him on daily nebulizers (Budesonide) due to the fact that he has had multiple episodes of bronchitis and pneumonia requiring steroids during the past year. He has been healthy since started that so we will see if it helps him through his next bad chest cold/virus.
He has bad seasonal allergies. We started him on Singulair 4mg a day recently and hope it helps us get through the allergy season without multiple drugs this year. We may consider treating him with allergy shots next year if this year is a struggle again.
He is still allergic to tree nuts. Cats also bother him sometimes. I would love to get a cat as both kids love them but somehow we need to find one that doesn't bother him (about 25% of cats seem to really, really irritate his allergies). Maybe we will look for one as a 4th birthday present. We'll see!
He is very sensitive to chemicals (anaphylactic reaction to Dial body wash in November) so we try to keep all our cleaning/bathing products chemical free.
Erik is around 39-40 inches tall and 35 pounds.
Erik you are a wonderful little boy! We love you!
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