Friday, February 19, 2010

Erik Wayne

Today is my Grandpa Baker's (Wayne L) birthday. My grandpa was a wonderful kind and gentle man. He was near and dear to me. I am sure he loved all his grandchildren equally but since I was his only granddaughter for 10 years (it was me and nine grandsons until Melanie finally arrived) I always thought I held a special place in his heart. Erik never met my grandpa but I think that he would have been proud to have my little boy as his namesake.

Erik you are a cherished little boy.

Here are some things I love about you...

Kind and sweet even at the turbulent age of 2.
Gentle, with a tender heart
Playful and fun
Proud big brother
Super snuggler

Most of these characteristics remind me of your great grandpa! I look forward to watching you grow and develop. I hope it doesn't go by too quickly!
Erik, you make being a mommy fun!

Below is a link to a video of Erik and Lainey playing today....
Lainey and Erik

1 comment:

akbwilliams said...

Yes, Grandpa Baker would have been quite proud!

Hey, I love that picture of Erik smiling in the bathtub while I was giving him his bath when we were visiting over Valentine's weekend. We had lots of giggles! I'm hoping to help him with his bath when we visit again in March! Love, Grandma Kay