Saturday, August 1, 2009


Genetics is a fascinating topic. I think it is especially interesting in my mixed race kids. There is one gene on my side I was hoping to avoid. Can you guess what is was?

Nope -- not the bump in my nose that I inherited from my dad.

The dreaded gene was passed down from Great Grandpa Wayne L, Grandma Kay, Uncle Colin, and myself. What is this dreadful gene? Motion Sickness!

My childhood is somewhat scarred by images of Colin vomiting almost every time we were in the car. Well, now my poor baby Erik seems to have inherited this terrible gene. He has thrown up in the car twice recently only to go about normal business after getting out. This is going to be fun! All the more reason to fly back to the midwest instead of drive.

1 comment:

Kristal said...

Oh, no! I'm sorry!!