Sunday, August 16, 2009

2 months (and a day)

Well, my Mommy has been busy I guess since she didn't update the blog yesterday for my 2 month update so I will take over for her.

My first two months have been busy. I have met lots of people. I really like my big brother Erik. He is neat to watch. When I am upset he makes me feel better. He makes me mad sometimes too. He seems to really like to poke me in the eyes with his finger and today he threw a toy and it landed on my head. I let him know I am mad and mom comes and rescues me.

I feel much better now that I am on Zantac. Before that it sure stunk to be awake and all I could do was cry. Even though the medicine tastes horrible it makes me much happier. Now when I am awake I smile and coo or just observe my surroundings.

My mommy and daddy like to wrap me up really tight before I take naps and go to bed. I really like this and will often sleep for 2-3 hours in the afternoon. At night I try to give my mommy a break. I usually fall asleep around 10:30 pm get up for a snack around 3:00 am and then sleep again until 6:30 or so. I like to see my daddy in the middle of the night too so I make sure I don't fall asleep right away after my snack. He comes and gets me out of jail when I cry. My daddy loves me but his shoulder got sore from me sleeping on him and from being on the couch so now I have to sleep in my own bed. So far I seem to like it okay.

My parents keeping laying me down on the floor and trying to get me to pick up my head. I don't like this so I either scream loudly, suck on my fingers, or go to sleep. My brother seemed to comply with this but I figure I don't have to since I sleep so much better. It's only fair that I get to cause a little trouble of my own.

My brother the show-off when he was two months old (11/10/2007).

My mommy is taking me back to the doctor on August 25th for my official 2 month check up. I have to get more shots then. Yuck!! I sure hated my first ones but mom says I need them to stay healthy. At 7 weeks 1 day I was 10 pounds 6 ounces and 22 1/4 inches.

I'll be back to update when I am three months old. I have lots to do before then including my first plane ride, meeting more family, a wedding in Maryland, etc. Maybe I'll pick my head up by then too. Thanks for checking in on me.

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