Saturday, April 19, 2014

I'm Back!

 2014 has been a very, very difficult year so far.   In the past 3.5 months, I have done the following....

1- Trip to WI with all 6 of us
2- Trip to Cali with Kyle
3- Victor gone on a work trip
4- Carson in the hospital with RSV/Kyle and Lainey also had RSV
5-Victor gone on a work trip
6 -Find out Daron relapsed again
7- Trip to PA with all six of us
8- Daron crashes suddenly - emergency trip to CA
9- Home for 3 days and Erik hurts his leg - find out later he broke his tibia
10- Another trip to CA - see Daron awake, in person, for the last time (he was still intubated but responsive)
11- Grandma, who has been one of my closest friends, has a massive stroke
12- Daron makes it out of the ICU, then relapses again, passes away
13- Trip to Kansas to see my Grandma (Kyle comes with me)
14 - Parents/Family dog diagnosed with cancer and dies
15- Victor gone on a work trip
16 - Trip to WI for Daron's funeral - supposed to fly, but forced to drive 1810 miles due to a dumb Southwest randomly enforced policy

And that takes me up to about 3 days ago.

I'm so incredibly tired.  My feet actually feel like they are so heavy that running has been difficult.  I think it is really just due to having a heavy heart.  It's been a long winter.  I am praying for an even longer spring!

I'm hoping to start blogging again regularly - recently blogging about my day to day events seemed inappropriate - but I miss it and hope you do too! :)

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