Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Carson the Comedian

Sweet little Carson is always making us laugh.   He is a jokester and also very emotional, both which tend to be hilarious.  Earlier today he actually told me, "Mom, I really like to be funny." 

Here are a few things he's said or done recently that have made us laugh.

Right after getting up on Saturday, I was sitting on the couch with Lainey.  Victor had gotten up a little it before me so I asked, "Did you get breakfast out for the kids yet? "  He said, "No."  Hearing our exchange must have reminded Carson that he was hungry (he always wakes up ready to eat!).  A few seconds later I saw him get up and march to the corner of the room.  Facing the wall, with his arms crossed and lip out, he sadly moaned, "Nobody ever feeds me around here!"  

Carson is our most affectionate little guy.  He always greets us with a huge smile and a hug.  He likes to sit on our lap and snuggle.  He does not like to give us kisses though!  Being a comedian this has become a bit of a game.  On night recently, he was up after the other 3 were asleep.  He asked me if he could have a snack before going to bed.   I told him he could have one if he gave me a kiss.   He stopped was he was doing, turned around and walked quickly towards the stairs saying, " I'm really feeling tired Mom!"   He happily went to bed without a snack, or a kiss!

Today, after returning from a bike ride/walk Carson asked me to help him take his helmet off.  I told him I'd help him after he gave me a kiss.  Seeing no way out of this one he responded, "Fine. But I'm not opening my mouth!" 

Carson has told me repeatedly that he is expecting a baby girl.  She is going to be named Elsa.  Today, every hour or so I'd find him with his shirt off.  When I asked him what he was doing he responded, "Just looking at my nipples for baby Elsa's milk."