Sunday, September 22, 2013

Triple Trouble

Friday morning Victor left for work just as Kyle was waking up  (as was I).  The trio was downstairs eating breakfast so I stayed upstairs to feed Kyle and get ready for the morning.  About 25 minutes after Victor left I headed downstairs.  They were no where to be found.  I headed to the basement and promptly found the trio hiding inside of the large closet with built in shelves.  At first I suspected that they had brought the ipad down there.  I was wrong. Carson looked up at me and quite sheepishly pointed to something in the corner.  It seems the trio had utilized the 25 minutes left unattended to eat about 9 servings of ice cream.  When I asked them who was responsible, they all initially blamed someone else. Ha!  (I am fairly confident that Lainey initiated it but all 3 got into trouble.) 

I was fairly ticked (slightly amused) and sent them all promptly to their rooms while I ate breakfast.  We then went on a two mile walk/bike ride to get rid of some of that ice cream. Ha! 

Deciding to be a forgiving mom I still took them to the fair for 4 hours (by myself) but they've been banned from dessert for a week. 

We generally don't eat a lot of dessert but I do let them eat 1/2 a donut at church each week (plus 1-2 other sweets a week usually).  As we were leaving church today Carson piped up, "But I didn't get a donut!"  Haha!  I quickly reminded him that they weren't getting dessert since they ate all the ice cream.  He reminded me that Lainey "did it" but then quickly walked to the car without further complaint (clearly he knows he isn't completely innocent).  Haha! 

I do think they will think twice before raiding the freezer in the future. 

 4 at the fair 
(No school Friday so kids can participate in fair activities)
 The one and only ride Carson went on
and I had to have the ride stopped because he was so miserable.
Carson was also petrified of the animals.
He did enjoy climbing on tractors. 
 Erik is somewhere on those very fast spinning swings.
He really likes big kid rides now, poor kid was pretty limited with them
since I was there alone with all four and the lines were long for the bigger rides.
I keep waiting for him to get motion sick on the rides but so far so good.
Tired (and dirty - look at her feed) after a day at the fair

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